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Only if you are looking through a microscope.

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Q: Can you look at semen from a man and know if it is fertile?
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How can you know that a man is not able to produce a child?

The man's semen can be analyzed in a lab to see the viability of his semen.

How do you know if a man is fertile?

if you have your period, than no.

What is HSA test for men?

The HSA test for men is home semen analysis. This test is used to determine if a man is fertile or infertile.

Does seminal fluid from the male have to be thick in order for the female to become pregnant?

No. Normally, semen thickens when it hits the air and gradually becomes watery again. However, how thick it becomes after ejaculation can depend on a number of factors, including the man's diet. None of these factors affect how fertile the semen is. Fertile semen can range anywhere from clear and watery to chunky and white.

What does it mean when a guy is sterile?

he has no sperm.......Sperm only make up about 5% of the total volume of semen. So even if the man has had a vasectomy or is sterile for some other reason, his ejaculate will look pretty much the same as amn who is fertile.

Do bananas make a man's semen taste sweet?

Yeah it does, so does honey.. How do i know? personal experience ;)

How Much Semen Does A Man Hold?

the average man has around 3 tablespoons of semen he can ejaculate.

How can you tell if he is sterile?

The only way to determine if a man or woman is sterile is to have them tested. There are a series of tests that can be done on a sample of the man's sperm to determine if he is sterile. As a rule of thumb this is what a man needs to be considered fertile: 2ml or more of semen 2 million sperm per ml of semen 50% or more of the sperm must be correctly formed 50% or more of the sperm must have good motility

What does it mean if you are a women and your semen is clear?

Well If youre a woman you should not have any semen. so if you have semen you are a man.

Sterile man get a woman pregnant?

Not with his own semen. Though if he came into contact with another man's semen (having sex with another man or even a woman who recently had sex), then the "foreign" semen could impregnate the woman.

Will swallowing a man's semen make him more connected with a female?

No, swallowing a man's semen will not have any medical effect on the couple's connection.

When is semen made?

I semen made through the day or only when a man is to reach orgasm?