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Not in the U.S. All prescriptions for Schedule II drugs must be hand-delivered to the pharmacy by the person the prescription is for. The prescriptions also must be printed or written on a special paper that has numerous security features. Also, prescriptions for Schedule II drugs must be filled within six months or they become invalid.

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Q: Can you mail a rx for a schedule two drug?
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How long after you have had a rx filled are you LEGALLY allowed to take the drug?

Not sure I understand your question completely. Most Rx's are good for one year after receiving them. The bottle will say "refill before. . . " Your Rx will cover you during this time. If having a drug test, take proof of your Rx.

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Sig: means recipe or the directions for administering the drug/prescription.


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Pharmacies yes. Person to person is illegal.

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It's a prescribed Erection! schedule 69

What does rx?

Rx is short hand for prescription. Your doctor will either fill out a request for a drug that you then have filled at a drug store or he will call in one for you. These short hand methods can cause problems if the term is misunderstood. Another one used is Dx, which means diagnosis.

Concerta and preemployment drug screenings?

It will show up as an amphetamine. However, this is not an issue if you have a valid RX.

Can you drink beer with this RX Metoprolol ER 50mg?

I have seen that alcohol should be avoided on this drug

Will the drug cyclobenzaprine mess up an UA?

Cyclobenzaprine is a Rx muscle relaxer also known by the brand name Flexeril. It is not a widely abused drug and with a valid Rx there is no reason it should matter in a UA. Cyclopenzprine is processed fully within three days.

Where can you get cough syrup with codeine?

you can get it at drug stores such as CVS or Walgreens