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Q: Can you make something hover with magnets?
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Can a train hover?

Yes, a train can hover. This kind of train is called a Maglev or a Hover Train. They can be found either in Japan or Germany. They hover by magnets.

What else can magnets be used for?

There are magnets that can be used to pick up junk and collect metallic rubbish. There is also a super conductor that can make other metal objects hover to.

How far can a bullet train go without running out of fuel?

They don't actually have fuel, they have magnets. The track has powered electromagnets in it. The electromagnets make the train "hover" and propel it.

How can you power the hover craft inside the top of the mill?

apparently you make something like fuel but it ain't. you fuel up the hover craft and off it goes

Is a hover shoes work?

Hover shoes absolutely work. You just need to buy 100 lbs magnets to get them to work, and the top of the line Nike shoes, or else, it work no.

If people will make hover boots in the future?

the simple answer is in fact, Yes. there are already designs out and some even exist already. the two basic prapoltion mechanisms are wind and magnets

How do hoverboards work?

A hover board is a board that has magnets on bottom. The reason that it has magnets is so it can propel itself upward with the magnetic pull in the ground. The way that they propel themselves upward is the same way two north magnets deflect from each other. The only difference in my previous statement and how a hover board works is the hover board has a special battery in it that picks up on the magnets in the ground like a metal detector picks up on metal. Doing this can let it defy gravity and propel the board and person upward. Keep in mind though that the magnets in the ground are not in grass, water, or wood. Another type of hover board is one that uses ion wind. This way seems to be less popular for it is hard to find enough to power a full sized hover board. Also the amount of energy of ion wind is 20,000 volts. As well the way of balancing is a lot harder. If were to get one I would suggest the magnetic one. Hover boards are a new thing so be careful and be safe.

Can you hover objects with magnets?

Yes. Two objects with the same magnetic charge repel eachother. So an object on top of a larger, same magnetic field, then it will in effect hover. (There is a train that uses this method)

How do you make a simple hover car?

There is no way to make a simple hover car. Hover cars are very complex and that is why there are not many of them around today.

Conditions that magnets use for them to repel?

Magnets attract or repel other magnets thanks to something called the magnetic force.

Do hover boards exist?

yes, their are two ways to make one from my knowlage 1. have a magnet on the bottom of the board and have the floor made of magnets both the same polarity, thus repelling each other causing it to hover 2. use an engine with a large propeller on bottom of a board made of light yet durable materials.

How can you make hover boots?

go to youtube and type in household haker hover shoes