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Q: Can you make your hiv worse by your own blood?
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When will you find out if you have HIV after taking a blood test?

You can not conform the presence of HIv with the blood test, you need to go with ELISA, tridot and also western blotting.

Can a person become infected by getting infected HIV blood on their skin?

If you are not already infected with HIV, then you cannot get it by touching your own blood. HIV can only be contracted if you touch somebody else's blood who is already infected with the disease. This website gives you a detailed explaination of how HIV can be transferred:

Can you have a chance of HIV when you were stuck by needle on roadside?

Yes, this is possible. Because needles are used to pierce the skin, they will come in contact with someone (possibly an HIV infected person) else's blood. Then if you stick yourself with that needle, it will in turn come into contact with your own blood. This mixing of blood will contaminate the clean blood and you will become infected with the disease. To put your mind at ease and for your own health and safety, it would be wise to go to your doctor and request an HIV test.

Can kittens gets aides from human they drank blood off the street from a human that was hiv positive?

No. HIV cannot be transmitted to felines. They have their own distinct immunodeficiency virus that cannot be transmitted to humans.

You popped open your stye on your own will that make it worse?

Most definetly. YES.

Can you drink a person's blood who doesn't have HIV?

Generally speaking no. If you have no cuts or open sores in your mouth (including your gums and lips), the likelihood of transmission is almost certainly nonexistant. However, anytime that infected blood is introduced to a cut or open sore (split lip, small cuts in the gums from brushing, etc), however, there is a chance for infection. It's a relatively small chance, especially in the mouth, as saliva has components that inhibit HIV. Despite the limited chances, it's safer not to taste someone's blood if they're infected or of unknown status (and safest to not taste it at all). And to address the answer given here previously, you can NOT contract HIV simply by LOOKING at blood. Medical workers wear goggles to prevent potential infection from blood splashing into their eyes.

Does blood make its own food?


What are the origins of HIV AIDS?

Hiv orginated from Africa when hunters became infected with blood from rare subspecies of chimpanzees. The first know case of hiv was reported in 1959 from a man in the Congo republic.

How do you make blood?

The human body makes its own blood, it is impossible to synthesize.

How do people get AIDS?

By having sexual intercourse without protection. People can get AIDS by sexual intercourse or even open wound to open wound with a person who has AIDS. That being one of the reasons why doctors do not reuse needles and wear gloves. Other reasons are for their own safety and the patients safety. Blood is normally tested when donating or receiving blood but you can contract AIDS from the transfer of blood. AIDS is also the progressed stage of HIV. Not everyone that has HIV progresses to AIDS though (being the reason for the term "HIV/AIDS"). So it is possible to contract HIV then it to progress to AIDS.

Can your own body give you HIV through pre-ejaculate or what?

No. HIV is only transmitted through body fluids from someone infected with HIV.

Is HIV virus alive?

HIV is a virus. Because it is a retrovirus HIV has 2 fragments of RNA Moleculehiv is rna virusNo HIV attacks t cells which produce white blood cells. White blood cells attack infections and disease and viruses etc. so with no white blood cells or few of them no virus can be fought off, so something like a cold is the thing that actually kills contains rna, the rna i the virus go into ribosomes and effect the human body