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Q: Can you make your water break to go into labor?
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How long can you wait to go into labor after you have had your membrains stripped?

Having your membranes stripped does not always work. I had mine scraped and never went into labor. They may have to do it more than once or just break your water to make you go into labor.

How do you go into labor?

You dont! the baby comes and ur water breaks and theres no way you can make yourself go into labor.

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Should you immediately talk to your doctor after you lose your mucus plug?

Yes! Immediately! Losing your mucous plug means that your water is about to break and you are about to go into labor.

Do you have to be bleading to go into labor?

No. You can go into labor without your water breaking and without bleeding. You can go into labor and it can stop spontaneously. However, if you bleed and you are not in labor, you should contact your physician.

Difference between true and false labor?

false labor the contractions are irregular and don't last very long, true labor they are regular and increase in intensity. Also, before you go into labor you'll have your water break and a few days before hand, you'll experience the baby dropping into the birthing position.

Does a hot bath induce labor?

Yes it can make u go into labor

How do you naturally break your water to go into labor?

I would not suggest trying to break your own waters. It can cause damage to you and anything introduced into the vagina, to help break the waters, could bring with it infection and cause again damage to you or the baby. Things you should know about laboring with your waters broken are: 1. Without the bag of waters, the baby will not have as much room to maneuver around, if your baby is in an OP (occiput posterior, baby facing out which can lead to a slower labor and back pain) position it can make it difficult for the baby to turn towards the OA (occiput anterior, the optimal position for labor and delivery) position 2. The amniotic fluid acts as a cushion to the baby, including the umbilical cord. Without the cushion of the amniotic fluid, the baby's umbilical cord could be squeezed, cutting off oxygen to the baby and causing your baby to go into distress. There are other natural ways of inducing labor, but it is not a safe thing to do unless there is a medical indication that the mother or the baby needs to be delivered before labor starts naturally on its own.

Can a hot tub make y give birth?

Some birthing centers use a hot tub for labor and delivery. It is called a water birth. A hot tub in itself can not make you go into labor, it can alleviate the pains of labor if done correctly in a controlled environment like a birthing center.

Can drinking vinegar make you go into labor?

Yes it can

Can you scare a dog and make her go into labor?

You can scare a dog and drive it into early labor.

Things that will make you go into labor?

been looking for things that will put in labor. what should I try?