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Tests used to take 6 months for the buildups of antibodies in your blood to be noticable enough to trigger a positive result. Now, that time has been cut in half- so if you wanted you can get tested every 3 months. If you are worried about it then go get tested.

Actually, the time to seroconversion (when the test will detect HIV in your blood) is down to around 3 weeks. Testing schedules should be based on your sexual history. If you have more than one partner but have no other risk factors then every six months to a year is a good general rule. If you are high risk (anal intercourse, injectable drug use, highly promiscuous or have a partner who is HIV positive, among others) then your doctor may advise a much more frequent testing schedule.

The answer to your specific question is that if you were negative eleven months ago, have had no other partners since that time and your partner was also negative and has had no other partners then re-testing is not necessary. If you or your partner has had sex with anyone else since your last negative test or if you aren't sure about your partner's HIV status then retesting would be advisable. If either you or your partner participate in any high risk activities or are high risk for any reason then you need to be retested.

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16y ago

It is advised that you get tested for HIV/AIDS 3 months after your last potential exposure. This means that when you get tested the test only covers you for dates up to three months before this date. So you should be fine if you have tested negative 11 months after a potential exposure.

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If you were asked whether you were HIV positive/negative, you will need to be retested to make sure.

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With proper precaution's, it is possible.

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Very unlikely, unless you have had other exposures to the HIV since you last tested.

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No, he has also done a documentary called HIV and Me and in the film gets tested but comes back negative.

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Just because you are exposed to HIV doesn't mean you will get the virus. You should be tested now after 6 months (180 days) to be sure you don't have the virus.

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A person may be infected with HIV, but not test positive. It will take time for the virus to spread throughout the body and therefore when they first get infected they will often yield a negative test result since the concentration in the body at that time is still very small. After 3 months if a person tested negative the first time and negative the second time there is very little doubt on whether or not the patient has HIV. However, without the second test 3 months later a person who recently got infected before the original test would have shown a negative test result and actually had HIV.

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no you can still have it and show now signs you should get a blood test to find out if you have hiv A negative test at three months will almost always mean a person is not infected with HIV.Signs can show up even after 10 years. So get yourself tested if it has been at least three months after a contact with a potentially HIV-infected partnerYou have to do the Western Blot test and the RNA test

What happens after being tested for several years for Hiv and the test says negative?

You don't have HIV. Congratulations!! (just between you and me that one seemed pretty obvious)

Is 2 weeks to soon to take the HIV Test?

With HIV tests it is most often best to be tested around 6 months after possible contact with HIV positive person. With this being said HIV can take up to a year before showing positive and sometimes people will not test positive for even longer. Always get tested every 6 months for possible STD's.

If the human get tested hiv negetiv what does it mean?

A negative HIV test means that a person is not showing evidence of infection with HIV. A negative test may also occur in the "window period" between infection and the time when the test may be expected to turn positive.

Is every patient tested for HIV before surgery?

The patient is not tested for HIV prior to surgery.

How often should people be tested for HIV?

For sexually active people, it is advisable to get an HIV test once each year. Talk to your family doctor for more advice on this subject.