

Can you melt powders into liquids?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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12y ago

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Definitely. Powders are simply solids broken into smaller particles.

As we know, melting is the phase change from the solid state to the liquid state. Thus, we can definitely melt powders.

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5d ago

Yes, certain powders can be melted into liquids through the application of heat. However, not all powders can be easily melted as it depends on their composition and properties. It is important to consider the specific powder being used and the appropriate melting technique for the desired result.

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Q: Can you melt powders into liquids?
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Do all powders dissolve the same way in water?

No, not all powders dissolve in water the same way. The solubility of a powder in water depends on factors such as the chemical composition, particle size, and temperature of the water. Some powders dissolve quickly and completely, while others may take longer or not dissolve at all in water.

What materials are you allowed to use in crime busters for science olympiad?

In Crime Busters for Science Olympiad, students are typically allowed to use a magnifying glass, fingerprint powders, ninhydrin solution, and chromatography paper. They may also have access to a crime scene kit that includes evidence samples like fibers, powders, and liquids. The use of personal items or additional materials beyond what is provided in the competition guidelines may not be allowed.

What can be poured?

Liquids such as water, juice, milk, and oil, as well as granular substances like sugar, salt, and sand, can be poured. Additionally, powders like flour or spices can also be poured.

Does orange juice melt faster than milk?

No, orange juice does not melt as it is a liquid and does not have a melting point like a solid. Milk also does not melt as it is a liquid like orange juice. Melting typically applies to solids transitioning into liquids when heated.

A hollow funnel shaped piece of wood or plastic?

That sounds like a funnel, which is a cone-shaped utensil used for pouring liquids or powders without spilling. It typically has a wide opening at the top and a narrow tube at the bottom.

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liquids cant be melt only solid substance can melt

What device should be used when powders must be combined with liquids?

A magnetic stirrer or vortex mixer can be used to combine powders with liquids efficiently. These devices help create a smooth and consistent mixture by applying stirring or vortexing action to the combination of the two substances.

What does measurement do?

A measuring cup is used to measure volumes of liquids or powders.

What device should be used when powders must be combine with liquids?

A teaspoon

What does measuring cups do?

A measuring cup is used to measure volumes of liquids or powders.

What has the author RalphD Nelson written?

RalphD Nelson has written: 'Dispersing powders in liquids'

Surfactant increase the wettability of powders?

Yes, surfactants can increase the wettability of powders by reducing the surface tension of the liquid, allowing it to better spread and penetrate the powder material. This can result in improved dispersion and dissolution of the powders in liquids.

What makes liquids to melt?

Liquids can't melt. Melting is when a solid turns into a liquid. Since it is already in the liquid state, it can only evaporate, or boil.

How do you separate 5 powders and liquids?

This can be done by using the method of evaporation, which is the seperation of solid & liquid.

What is a funnel and what is its uses?

A funnel is a laboratory tool used for filtration or to pour convenient liquids or fine powders.