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Q: Can you mix Concerta with reactine?
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im not sure but there wouldn't be to much of a point in it as they are so alike

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i don't see why not, im on Concerta and i know how it is like, ive never been on Vicodin tho, if your doctor sees a problem or if you have a problem tell your doctor

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Taking reactine and Benadryl is really not a wise idea. Both of these medication are antihistamines and could make a person excessively drowsy. Both of them together could cause excessive drying of the sinuses.

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Can you mix Concerta with oxycodone?

all you need for adhd is concerta, but concerta can make you jittery and give you an all around weird jumpy feeling like as if you were smoking crack or speed. so it wont help your adhd any better but the vicodan might calm you down if you expience those effects. if its those "speedy" effects of concerta that bother you consider switching to adderall rather than methyphenidate , i have found concerta to make you more jittery and stuff than adderall . as for the safety of this mixture dont quote me on this but if you keep your does'es low you'll be fine

Can you drink alcohol while taking Reactine?

You can, depending on the amount of alcohol and Reactine dosage. 5mg of Reactine (Regular strenght) with 1-2 drinks is relatively safe (as long as you don't have liver or kidney disease). You will feel the effects of alcohol triple. DO NOT DRIVE. You will feel pretty sedated. That being said, they should only be mixed occasionally (everyday is a no-no)

Does Concerta cause low blood pressure?

No; Concerta is methylphenidate which is a stimulant. Concerta should raise blood pressure.

Can you mail Concerta to someone?

can u mail concerta overnight

Is it okay to mix Concerta and Adderall XR 30mg What happens when you do and what are the side effects?

it will make u still and make u forget everythang u did that next day

Can concerta help with PTSD as well as ADHD?

Concerta is made to treat ADHD. You would have to ask your doctor about the possibility of treating PTSD with Concerta.