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It is the same thing. Different manufacturer. its all "hydrocodone" Because both contain acetaminophen, taking them together may damage the liver.

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Q: Can you mix Lortab and Vicodin?
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Can you get Lortab for rheumatoid arthritis?

Yes Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab)

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How much Tylenol in Lortab 7.5?

650mg acetaminophen-7.5mg hydrocodone in lortab. 500mg acetaminophen-5mg hydrocodone for normal vicodin.

Is hydrocodone made in 20 milligram?

Moves to Lortab ( Lorcet ) after 7.5 vicodin

Is Hydrocodone in both norco and loritab pills?

Yes Hydrocodone is in both Norco & Lortab. Vicodin, Norco and Lortab are the brand names of the analgesics.

Can you buy Lortab in kansas without a prescription?

No. Lortab is a trade name, just as Vicodin is a trade name. Lortab and Vicodin are both hydrocodone with acetaminophen (the generic name), just made by different companies. Lortab is a narcotic and there for falls under the regulation of the FDA, and can only be dispensed with a by a pharmacist with the written Rx by a doctor (MD, DDS, etc). Hope that helps.

What is stronger Vicodin or Oxycontin?

Lortab and Vicodin are both forms of hydrocodone. Oxycontin is the controlled-release form of oxycodone. Oxycodone is stronger than hydrocodone.

Hydrocodone is the ingredient in what brand of pain killer?

Hydrocodone is the ingredient of Lortab, also known as Vicodin.

"I know Lortab is a pain medication, it says so on the Lortab package insert, but is it similar to any other drugs"?

"It won't be listed on the Lortab package insert, but it is a form of Hydrocodone." "The Lortab package insert wouldn't have any other names, but Lortab is the same thing as Vicodin, a different brand of Hydrocodone."

What is hydrocodone-acetaminophen generic for?

Hydrocodone is the generic name, Vicodin and Loratab are more "brand names" of it.

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How can you get Lortab out of your system?

Stop taking Lortab (same as Vicodin, generic is hydrocodone) for five days to clear it from your system. And don't keep taking it if you don't need to (for pain, as prescribed by a physician).