

Can you mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can you mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide?
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You can clean dog urine out of the carpet by using a vinegar, water, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mix.

Is vinegar H2O2?

no H2O2 is not vinegar, it is hydrogen peroxide Vinegar is acetic acid (C2H4O2).

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Mix hydrogen peroxide and liver?

Mixing hydrogen peroxide and liver could potentially cause a chemical reaction that releases oxygen gas, bubbles, and heat. This reaction could be dangerous due to the release of oxygen gas, so it is not recommended to carry out this experiment.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide with an apple?

When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with an apple, it can react with enzymes present in the apple flesh to produce oxygen gas. This reaction can cause the apple to foam or bubble as the oxygen gas is released. It is not harmful to consume the apple after this reaction occurs.

Is vinegar and hydro peroxide the same thing?

These are two different things. Vinegar is Acetic Acid. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, and is used ( in a dilute solution) as an anti-bacterial.

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Iodine crystals

What liquid is made when liver and hydrogen peroxide mix?

water is made

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The best Teeth Whitening products have an equal mix of both Hydrogen Peroxide and Carbamide Peroxide, since both are required for proper Teeth Whitening.

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Two examples of acids used in your homes?

Vinegar (Acetic Acid) Hydrogen peroxide (hair bleaching)