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sea turtles, narwhal whale, hawaiin monk seal, manatee, giant panda

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Q: Can you name any other endangered animals?
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What are endangered animals are important to?

endangered animals would be just like any other animals if there were still a lot of them

What is any other endangered animals?

The penguins in port huges are indangered.

Are there any endangered animals in Vermont?

Yes there are endangered animals in vermont.

Are there any endangered animals in Quebec?

yes, 22% of animals are endangered in Quebec.

Are any animals in Australia endangered?

Some of the endangered animals in Australia are the banded hare wallaby, the central rock rat, and the bridled nail-tailed wallaby. Some other animals on Australia's endangered list are the numbat, the Tasmanian forester kangaroo, and the Tasmanian tiger.

Are there endangered animals in Antarctica?

Animals that breed on Antarctica's beaches are sea animals, and none are noted on any endangered species list.

Are any endangered animals in Venezuela?

yes. one is the Venezuelan slider. search endangered animals in Venezuela for more.

What are the non-endangered animals in the us?

Over ninety per cent of the animals in the U.S. are not endangered or threatened in any way.See U.S.Fish and Wildlife for an endangered list.

Are there any endangered animals in Madagascar?

yes lots

Are there any endangered animals in Rhode Island?

yes there are

Are sealions endangered animals?

Of the six species of Sea Lions, 2 species are listed as endangered and one is listed as vulnerable; the other three are not considered to be in any danger of extinction.

Are there any endangered animals in th the Arctic Ocean?

Yes, polar bears are one of the endangered animals in the Arctic ocean. Others I am not sure of.