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Q: Can you name me one person that was at the Cinco de Mayo war?
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What important festivals are there in Mexico City?

Cinco De Mayo is definatly one of them!

Name atleast one historical figures of Cinco de Mayo?

General Ignacio Zaragoza (who lead the Mexican army during such event).

Which ethnic groups attend Cinco De Mayo and why?

It is a national celebration, not a racial one.

How do you spell the may 5 in spanish?

Short answer:Felicidades por tus quince años (use the "tuteo", because the person is young)Long answer:In Mexico is very common for girls to celebrete their fifteenth birthday, they are called "quinceañeras" it's like sixteen in US.happy = felicesliteral tranlsation of Fifthteenth is "quinceavo" or "décimo quinto" but in this case you are talking about a birthday so the translation is "quince años":Literally isQuince = fifteen, años = yearsBut take into account that translation should be as natural as possible. Translation is not saying word by word from one language to another one.

Are there celebrations in the US on Cinco de Mayo?

Absolutely. Hispanic communities celebrate Cinco de Mayo with parties and festivities much like our 4th of July, but smaller. One might even hear gunshots going off during this time.

Why is Cinco de Mayo celebrated on a much larger scale in the U.S.?

No one really knows. The answer is still to come.

What does Cinco de Mayo mean in spanish?

"Fifth of May" There was a small city called Puebla(60 mi. SE of Mexico City). There was a battle on May 5, 1862. The battle was one of the most important battles of all time. The competitors were the French Army (the World's best at the time),and the Spanish Army. The Spanish won the battle, but sadly, the Spanish lost the war. The victory is why Mexicans celebrate the all-too famous Cinco de Mayo(Fifth of May).

What important events happened on May 5?

Well, Cinco De Mayo is one, but it's also my birthday and I nothing else I think.

What are some of the festivals in Mexico?

Celebración mexicana: that's "Mexican Celebration" in Spanish. An example is Cinco de Mayo.

When is Cinco de Mayo?

The City of Puebla (some 60 miles SE of Mexico City) is the background of one of the most important battles of all time. On the 5th of May, 1862 the French Army (the world's best at the time, armed with cavalry and high-precision rifles) lost to Mexican militias composed mostly of huarache-wearing, machete-bearing indians. That is why many Mexicans celebrate the all-too-famous "Cinco de Mayo" (May the Fifth): because it is comparable to a bunch of militiamen defeating the US army on an open field battle.

How do you use culture trait In sentence?

One culture trait of Mexico is the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Other culture traits include their cuisine and deeply Christian faith.

What is the song in BMW 3 series commercial?

I believe it is Cinco de Mayo, by Golden Triangle. Which commercial exactly? I the last one it's a Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself