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Some novels that are narrated in the first person include the Odd Thomas Trilogy (Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, and Odd Brother) by Dean Koontz. Others are When the Wind Blows, the Lake House, and the entire Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, Foop! by Chris Genoa, and some parts of the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. There are hundreds more that can be listed, but these are just a few of the more recent ones.

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Q: Can you name some stories or novels narrated in the first person?
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Differemt kinds of point of view?

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Narration in the third-person perspective involves telling the story from an outside perspective, using "he," "she," or "they" as pronouns to refer to the characters. This style provides readers with a broader view of the story and can create distance or intimacy between the characters and the audience depending on the narration's tone.

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What are some books written in first person point of view?

The Spenser novels by Robert B. Parker and the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.

Who was the first person to create a story?

The first person who ever spoke. People have always told stories.

Is Moby Dick a 1st person story?

No, "Moby Dick" is not a first-person story. It is narrated in the third person, with Ishmael recounting the events that take place during the voyage.

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The point of view of the selection is first-person, narrated by an observer who is directly involved in the events being described.

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