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From the recent and short research I've done, there are no laws against it. However you cannot own bears, cougars or nonhuman primates. And you must have a permit to own venomous or large (over 12 ft) constricting snakes. Hope this helps.

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Q: Can you own a squirrel in louisiana?
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Can you own a fox in Louisiana?

Owning a fox in Louisiana is legal.

Why do male squirrel monkeys wee on other squirrel monkeys?

Not all male squirrel monkeys do this, only the dominant squirrel monkey in the group will do this. The dominant male squirrel monkey urinates on the other squirrel monkeys in the group to remind them that he is in charge and not them. Similarly, some animals urinate on their territory to warn others that they own it, it's a similar thing with squirrel monkeys.

Can you own a gun with a felony in Louisiana?

Not in Louisiana, nor in any other state.

Can a squirrel sever its tail?

A squirrel uses its tail for many things. For example, they use it as a parachute. Squirrels are not able to sever its own tail.

When do you think a baby squirrel is old enough to be on their own?

3 to 4 years

Can you own a squirrel monkey as a pet in Pennsylvania?

No, not even with a permit, its illegal in Pennsylvania

Is a squirrel an autotroph or heterotroph?

Autotrophs produce their own food (eg. plants using photosynthesis to make glucose). Heterotrophs consume organic matter to feed themselves. Therefore, squirrels (as well as all other animals) are heterotrophs.

Which state was own by France and Spain?

All of the states which were part of the Louisiana Purchase including Louisiana and Missouri-

Who own the Louisiana territory?

At least six different counties owned Louisiana, two of which were France and the U.S.A.

Can a 17 year old buy and own his own car under his own name in Louisiana?


Can you own automatic weapons in Louisiana?

IF you are properly Licenced.