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I don't know, I'm looking for the same answer. I'm at work right now and all of a sudden my hearing went and I had to run to sit down before I fell down. I feel like passing out. I was diagnosed with Mono last week. Bluh. Feel like crap.

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You feel tired all the time.

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Q: Can you pass out if you have mono?
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Does your partner need to have Mono to be able to pass it on to you?

Yes, they do in fact have to have mono in order to pass it on to others. That does not mean however, that they have to have symptoms of mono. A person can be a carrier, meaning that they have no signs or symptoms of a disease but are carrying it and can transmit it to others.

Can a small child give mono to an adult?

Yes they can. if the child shared food with a person who had MONO, they can pass it on. if a child you know has it, dont eat or drink form them, no kisses on the mouth, any saliva contact with one another could give it to you.

Are Hinduism mono theists or poly theists?

last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.

What is mono percent and mono number?

In my world, mono means one.

What are the Shlomi saranga mono lyrics?

Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast

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Are guitar cable mono or stereo?


What is mono et mono?

one on one.

Can you fly if you have mono?

No, if you have Mono you cannot fly.

How effective is mono?

Eugh it's horrible my teacher says it makes you fall asleep at random. Lik you're in the middle of talking or eating and you just pass out.

What is the frequency of mono?

There is no frequency of mono. Mono is a one channel signal, stereo is a two channel signal.

What does es un mono mean in English?

He/she is a monkey.