

Can you pick hamsters up by the scruff?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No, you don't. The only reason you should ever if the animal was being bad. Hamsters don't understand that tho, cat can on certain situations, but hamsters do not.

and also only qualified animal handlers pick hamsters up to check the sex of the hamster like they did with my hamster

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Q: Can you pick hamsters up by the scruff?
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A mother cat will pick up her kittens by the scruff of their necks.

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Like other breeds, the dam will pick up her pups by the scruff of their neck.

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Rabbits should be carried by the scruff of the neck and their majority of weight supported under their hind end with your hands. If you can pick up and carry the bunny without using the scruff of the neck so much the better but is much easier to pick them up by the scruff than to scare them and/or drop them because you haven't picked them up properly.

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Are cats relaxed when you pick them up by the neck?

Absolutely not. It is painful and dangerous to pick them up by the scruff of the neck. The scruff of the neck cannot support the weight of an older kitten or adult cat; it will be painful for the cat and can cause injury to the cat's neck and spine.

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.

What is the plural of scruff?

The plural of scruff is scruffs. As in "he scruffs up his clothes".

Can you pick up your 2 week old hamsters?

Yes you may.

What is the back of a dogs neck called?

The scruff.... I picked him up by the 'scruff' of the neck

Is it mean to pick a cat up by its scruff?

The scruff of the neck cannot support the weight of an older kitten or adult cat; it will be painful for the cat and can cause injury to the cat's neck and spine. When picking up a cat, always support the back-end with one hand, and under the front legs with the other. This distributes the weight of the cat evenly and allows the cat to be comfortable. BTW-If your cat has a collar on, take it off before you pick it up by its scruff. You might tighten it by accident. If your cat has a small scruff, don't pick it up. If a cat is overweight or has arthritis, don't pick it up. Don't swing it back and forth, and put it down gently. Just saying, otherwise you'll hurt it.

How old do dwarf hamsters have to be to be pick up?

Dwarf hamsters must be 4 weeks of age to be picked up, do NOT touch the babys at all before then or the mother will "protect" her young by eating her baby.

What nicknames does Johnny Scruff go by?

Johnny Scruff goes by Scruff.