

Can you pour alcohol in my dogs ears?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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It's not usually a good idea to pour alcohol directly into your dog's ears. If his ears are irritated it can be very painful. To clean or dry your dogs ears, put some alcohol on a cotton ball and wipe the inner ears. If your dog has open sores in his ears, use hydrogen peroxide instead, or get medication from a veterinarian.

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11y ago

Yes , use 70% alcohol to remove the water ou of your ears . Just simply tilt the the non effected ear to the floor and to make it easier get someone else to poor just a tiny bit of the alcohol into the cap then poor it on your ear. Leave it there for a bit and it should drain right out!

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The correct way to care for your ears are to pour a cap full of peroxide. It is better to do that than sticking cotton swabs/cue tips in your ear. And when you pour the peroxide it will make you hear better.