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Q: Can you proceed with caution when you approach a flashing red traffic light mean?
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What is a yellow flashing traffic light?

It tells you to proceed with caution.

A flashing red traffic light means?

stop and proceed when clear, with caution (of course)

What does a traffic light with a flashing yellow signal mean?

In the U.S.A it means you have the right of way but proceed with caution.

A flashing yellow signal means?

means nothing Wrong! It means caution. Something requires extra attention. At an intersection, a flashing circular yellow means to take extra caution, and watch for traffic on the cross road (which has a flashing red light). A flashing red light is the same as a stop sign. A flashing yellow arrow means you ma turn in the direction of the arrow, but you must yield to conflicting traffic. If the flashing yellow light is not at an intersection, it either calls attention to a road hazard on an accompanying sign, or indicates that a special regulation indicated on the sign is in effect (School speed limit 20 when flashing).

When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection you should?

When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection you should proceed with caution.

What would you do when your approaching a traffic light that is flashing amber?

You must proceed with caution and be prepared to stop if necessary. If it is in a school zone, slow to 20 miles per hour.

What do I do when you are approaching a flashing red signal light?

you stop - look in all directions - and proceed if clear of opposing traffic.

What does an amber traffic light mean?

Proceed with caution.. ~Bemnestle

What does amber traffic light mean?

Proceed with caution.. ~Bemnestle

What is the term for a traffic light that just turned from red?

Yellow is proceed with caution.

A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means?

Traffic approaching the light is to stop. If the way is clear, traffic can then proceed through the intersection.

What is the meaning of slippery bend traffic sign?

It means the road may be slippery, proceed with caution.