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If u sperm while puberty don't worry it's normal.

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Q: Can you produce sperm halfway through puberty?
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Can men produce sperm anytime?

As long as they have gone through puberty

Can a boy going through puberty with one testicle burst still produce sperm?

If he has a testicle, there will be sperm.

How can you produce sperm?

You can produce sperm in your semen once puberty has begun. Before puberty begins you will not be able to produce semen. The testes will produce the sperm when the secondary sexual characteristics are ready.

Do you sperm when you haven't went through puberty?

No, a boy cannot ejaculate semen with sperm cells in it if he hasn't gone through puberty.

Can you sperm if you have not gone through puberty?

no,sperm only comes once you've gone through puberty.

Are males born with sperm or do they develop it during puberty?

They're born without sperm, they make sperm during puberty and then continue to produce sperm.

Can someone that has not gone through puberty semen?

Yes before puberty you can produce semen. But this semen may not contain any fertile mature sperm.

How many times a male can produce his sperm?

Males produce sperm from the age of puberty throughout adult life.

Does sperm come during puberty?

Actually, when boys go through Puberty they begin to produce sperm. It can happen at any point during this period of growing up.

Which gland produces sperm?

In males, the testes produce sperm cells. The female gametes, ova, are formed in the ovaries. Whereas the testes produce the male gamete from puberty onwards, girls are born with all their ova, which develop as they pass through the ages of puberty.

Is it okay for a 12 year old to produce sperm?

Yeah that's healthy cause ur probably going through puberty.

Can a six year old produce sperm?

Sperm is produced when a boy has reached puberty. The average age to hit puberty is around 12-13-years-old. It would be very unlikely for a boy that age to have hit puberty. I have not heard of it.