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Q: Can you put a magnet on the outside of a microwave?
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What is the strongest magnet in a normal house?

the magnet in a microwave are pretty strong and will probably be the strongest magnet you would find in a house ...

How is a magnet useful to a microwave?

to help latch the door closed

Can you put plasticine in a microwave?

Dont put it in a microwave

How do you make fishers popcorn?

you put it in the microwave. you put it in the microwave.

How do you the outside of a microwave when it has grease?

I don't know. How do you the outside?

How does a magnet work in a Microwave?

The active device in a microwave oven is a magnetron, a thermionic vacuum tube. In this a powerful magnet is employed to force the electrons to travel in a spiral in the resonant cavities. This geometry determines the wavelength of the waves.

Why do people put their skateboarding shoes in the microwave?

If you put them in the microwave for 30 seconds then take them out and put them on, they form to your feet, that is why people microwave their shoes.

Does a magnet repell?

yes a magnet repell. Because if you put a piece of sheet it would not do anything but if you have another magnet and you put it on the south and the magnet is south then it will repell

Where is the magnetic field on a magnet?

On the gray side of the magnet, if you take out a magnet and put it next to a magnet things you put on the fridge, It sticks to it! You see, the magnet's force is invisible so u can't see it. Or if you put it next to a magnet that sticks to that magnet, You might feel it's force or not. I tried it once :).