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Would you want the paerakeet to poke your babies eyes? I think not! Not a good idea!

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Q: Can you put a parakeet inside of a guinea pig cage for play time?
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Does your guinea pig have to stay in a cage?

no they do not. while they are sleeping it is recommened that they stay in a cage. along with feeding and restroom times. but you can play with them outside of the cage

Do you need to play with a parakeet all day?

Well parakeets need to be out of their cage for t least an hour a day, you can have it out longer but if your bird is one that does not like to be messed with I would suggest letting it on top of the cage and carring it just occasionaly.

What is the most attractable toy guinea pigs play with?

A wooden house that you can put in their cage with them.

Why does guinea pigs fight?

They are not used to sharing. It is a good idea to buy a separate cage and put them next to each other and then they will know that they wanted to play with each other. Guinea Pigs will get used to the other Guinea pig if you leave it in the cage a little.

Do guinea pigs get along in the same cage?

yes,they do. they love to be with other guinea pigs. they love to play or lay down with each other.

Why does your parakeet rattle its cage door?

Probably leting you know he want out. Or he just likes the sound of it or is bored. Does your bird have plenty of toys to play with.

Does a guinea pig play pen have to be on the grass?

no, it can be inside too.

Guinea pigs are better than hamsters right?

DEFINETLYhamsters stink i have a guinea pig now and i had a hamster to. guinea pigs you can actually play with them and hamsters just sit in their cage already

If my guinea pig has mites being treated but bites and doesn't let me pick him up so I can clean his cage how or what can I do to clean his cage?

Then, you have to hand tame your guinea pig. You have to take him out of his cage to clean it, and he has to get treated for mite or he will die. So you have to just take him out and play with him all the time.

I am getting a big cage tomorrow for my guinea pig and i would like to put his bedding on oneside of the cage and his play area the other end will i still need fleece and towels?

it will be easier cleaning the cage with the bottum covered every were and it will be more cozy for your guinea pig. . . hope i helped :) thanks for your question!

What bird is a good starter bird?

A parakeet is the easiest type of bird to take care of, but they should only be purchased after carefull research. A parakeet does not need a huge cage, but they will need emotional care. One will need to play with your bird every day, and cage cleaning should happen at least once a week. Basic training will make your bird much easier to handle. Birds and pets in general are a big responsibility, so always consider if a parakeet suits your lifestyle.

What can you do to entertain your guinea pig?

Simple... cuddle it! All guinea-pigs want is love, food and water. Also you could try getting it a tunnel or something to play with in its cage. guinea-pigs like to be out in their run on the grass :) Hope it helped!