

Can you put a restraining order without being in danger?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, you must testify under oath that you believe yourself to be in some kind of danger.

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Q: Can you put a restraining order without being in danger?
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No, it is not ok for a kid to get a restraining order for a break up unless this kid is in physical danger.

what grounds does it take for someone to file a restraining order against you?

There are grounds and criteria for someone seeking a restraining order. A judge will decide about issuing the restraining order as a permanent order. There must be proof of threatening behavior or danger. The court will be cautious and issue a temporary restraining order. After the court , if there isn't proof to substantiate the court can't enforce....

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"If a restraining order is placed on you because of supposed aggression or assault, a battery attorney can help you prove in court that the plaintiff was never in any danger. Thus, you prove the restraining order was baseless and it becomes moot."

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For what reason? Retaliation? The person who was granted a restraining order against you, is governed by the same provisions as you are. NEITHER YOU, NOR THE OTHER PARTY can break the order's stipulations without being subject to court action.

Can a parent get a restraining order on someone even if they lie about it?

Yes, you can always request a restraining order. It may be difficult to prove without some evidence to support it.

Can you get a restraining order if the person is just harassing you?

A lawyer can help, but it is a court that issues a restraining order.

Can your mom get a restraining order on your friend?

Your mom can get a restraining order against anyone a judge sees fit. If she is in reasonable fear for her life, or serious bodily injury to herself or her family she can get a restraining order.Another View: Your mother can REQUEST the issuance of a restraining order if she can convince a judge that the persopn she is requesting the order against, is a danger or a harmful influence on you, or her. As you parent she is in charge of your health, safety and actions, and anything else that she believes might be harmful to you.

What does PRO mean in a restraining order?

Permanent Restraining Order

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Can a parent in wa state get a restraining order on behalf of there child without there permission?

Yes they can.

Can a minor file a domestic violence restraining order against her parents without physical evidence?

No without any evidence physical or pictures or even a video or witnesses of violence you cannot file for a restraining order against your parents. If you are being abused you can call the Children Protective Service or the police and they will investigate. You don't need to have witnesses or bruises etc to do that.

If parent with physical custody can he take away visitation of children if he feels children are in danger in Massachusetts?

Not without approval of the court. If there's clear evidence of this, a restraining order can be requested, but supervised visitation should be maintained. see my profile