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Q: Can you put add-ons on a trial account in wow?
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Can you put add ons on a trial account in wow?

Yes, you can use any addons that a full account can use. There is no limit.

Is it possible to install the upgrade from the trial?

No - all WoW addons require registration ($) and the previous addon: WotlK requires The Burning Crusade, The Burning Crusade requires a registered version of WoW.

In wow if you have a trail and then you buy it can you get your trial account back?

No, once a trial account has been upgraded to a full account, you can not go back to using it as a trial account. If you want to do another trial account, then you need to sign up for a whole new one.

How do you start up a WOW account?

Go to the official site linked below. Create an account. Add WoW or a WoW trial to your list of games. Download client. Log on with your account, and create your character.

Do you have to install wow trial when you have full game?

If you have the full game downloaded into your computer, no. All you have to do is make the trial account and when it says to download it dont, and just get on your trial account.

Do you get emailed when you make a trial account on wow?

Yes I would believe so.

Can you use a trial account on a wow private server?

A trial account itself is not the issue, it's the installed program (client). Once you have that installed, and you have made an account with a private server, it will work regardless of you also having a trial account at

Will a wow account work on the wow trial?

Technically, yes, but it would be better to download the whole thing if you have a regular wow account. The trial client is a streaming client, meaning that not everything is on your computer. It will be a lot slower, laggy, and things will take even longer than they normally do to load.

Which is better wow interface or curse?

Wow interface is good for beginner and curse is the website you use to find addons

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How do you use add-ons in wow cataclysm?

You have to find an addon first that is supported by cataclysm. Then once you have one you put it in the "Interface" folder in the world of warcraft folder. There will be a folder in Interface called "addons" thats where you put the addons. then before selecting your character when you are almost in game you need to click on manage addons in the bottom left corner and make sure they will be on. one good place to check out for addons is the curse addon site listed below.

What benefits come from downloading WOW add-ons?

World of Warcraft, or WOW, addons have different benefits, for the most part, the addons allow players a better gaming experience. WOW addons can be used by players to customize the look of their game as well as enhance player performance in the areas of questing, gaining skills, obtaining achievements, and running dungeons and raids.