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Yes. I believe you can.

just be careful that your sugar glider does not eat to much of it! ha ha

so try it and see what happens!

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Q: Can you put bark in a cage with a sugar glider?
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Is it safe to put a 3 month white face sugar glider with a 5 month grey sugar glider?

no not really would fight a lot and if you don't like noise they would make a lot.

Can you put a ribbon around a sugar glider's neck?

I would not tie anything around my Sugar Gliders neck. I do have leashes made especially for Sugar Gliders that I purchased from my breeder.

Can a baby female sugar glider be put with a 4 year old sugar glider?

Putting sugar gliders of the same sex and different ages is not a good idea. You should pair sugar gliders when they are young and both the same sex or if male and female they should be neutered otherwise gliders have a tendency to reproduce like crazy.

How do you stop a sugar glider from bite?

Sugar Gliders are gentle creatures and don't bite if they are NOT bothered. Though, if bitten you should have a first aid kit with you in case it's serious. If it's bleeding put a band-aid on it and get out of the forest.

How do sugar gliders bond with its owners?

Mostly they bond by being in touch with your scent. If you want to bond with your sugar glider, then put a sock that you have worn all day in it's cage at night to make him familiar with you scent. make sure that there is no perfumes of any sort. Another way for bonding is to put him in his pouch or wherever he sleeps and then during the day when they are not active, put a strap around your neck holding the pouch and keep the pouch against your stomach. This will make him familiar with the way you move and being close to you. Good luck :)

What type of cage should you get for a sugar glider?

Sugar glider cages vary in cost. You're generally not going to find a good one for less than $100, but it can cost even more than that. I would recommend getting the biggest and best cage you can afford.

Can i put my shihtzu in a cage?

Yes, you can put your Shih Tzu in a cage provided that the cage is big enough to accommodate it.

Why is it illegal to keep sugar gliders?

It is illegal to keep sugar gliders in Australia because the sugar glider is a native animal and protected by law. On the whole, Australia prefers to allow its native animals to remain free. Some states in USA have outlawed the keeping of sugar gliders because they recognise that introducing exotic animals into other areas is detrimental to the animal, and can cause environmental damage.

What was the wing covering on the 1902 glider made by the Wright Brothers?

It was made with chocolate brownies and peanut butter cookies. They put extra peanut butter to make them stable. They didn't use much sugar because it would make it crumble. This was the earliest glider ever made that was edible.

Are kingsnakes and milksnakes canibalistic?

Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together.

Can sugar gliders take a bath?

I would say NO because Sugar gliders cant swim and if you do put them in water they would be cold so what i would do would be taking a damp cloth and some mild cleaning thing that doesn't need to be rinsed or have water on it.i use a dry Sugar glider shampoo and also i hope your researching them and taking the time for them if your planning to get one or already have one.PS hope this helped alot.

What a sugar glider drinks?

Sugar Gliders drink water. Sometimes when they are a baby they will not drink the water because it tastes "plain" and not "sweet" so you can put some Gatorade in it for a few weeks mixing half Gatorade and half water. Soon your little sugar glider will start getting use to water. But remember you cannot give them regular tap water. You have to give them filtered water. There are dangerous toxins that can hurt them in regular water.