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That's an exaggeration!

He is such an obvious prevaricator that I expect a larger exaggeration every time he speaks.

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Q: Can you put exaggeration in a sentence?
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Sentence for the word exaggeration?

That's an exaggeration of the truth!

Can you make a sentence using the word exaggeration?

The story was an exaggeration of what actually happened. His exaggeration of what to expect left them all disappointed.

What is a sentence using exaggeration?

Exaggerated sentence; My hair is as long as an elephant's trunk.

How do you use exaggeration in a sentence?

Exaggeration is when you make something seem bigger, smaller, better, or worse than it really is. For example, saying "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" is an exaggeration because it is unlikely that someone could eat an entire horse.

What sentence could be for parody?

A parody is an exaggeration to make something funny.

What does add a hyperbole to your new sentence mean?

Hyperbole means exaggeration so you are being asked to exaggerate in your sentence.

If you put pop rocks and coke togethere will it exsplode?

It is an exaggeration.

Deliberate use of exaggeration?

Exaggeration is a deliberate literary device that involves over-emphasizing or overstating a particular aspect for dramatic effect. It is commonly used in humor, satire, and advertising to grab attention and make a point more memorable. By magnifying details beyond their actual scope, exaggeration can create humor, draw attention to an issue, or emphasize a point.

How do you make a sentence with exaggeration?

WRITE IT IN CAPS LOCK or add an exclamation mark at the end!

What is an exaggeration sentence using the word excited?

I am very excited about the new bike I got.

Is the sentence it is so hot outside you could fry an egg on the sidewalk a cliche?

No, that is an exaggeration, or hyperbole.

What is the exaggeration in the sentence charlie gazed hopelessly at the endless pile of bills stretching across the counter?

The exaggeration in the sentence is the description of the pile of bills as "endless." This implies that there are an overwhelming amount of bills, stretching across the entire counter, which may not be entirely accurate in reality.