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Lortabs "aka vicodin, hydrocodone".

What do you mean put lortabs in your drink? If you're having trouble swallowing the pill, yeah you can crush it and drop it in a non-acidic beverage and drink it..

If you're referring to alcohol, beware of how much you drink on lortabs, they're both depressants and can dangerously lower your heart rate, blood pressure, etc...

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15y ago
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15y ago

Hydrocodone is technically a depressant, as is alcohol. Both impair balance as well. Mixing the two will not generate the lethal synergy that alcohol and barbituates did, but as both drugs have many of the same effects, you may experience a magnification of those effects. In short, while not straight lethal in normal dosages, mixing alcohol and and hydrocodone has its share of dangers.

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12y ago

You can but may overdose. The active ingredient in lortab is hydrocodone, which when mixed with methadone causes CNS depression. It all depends on your tolerance i suppose. You will still feel the lortab while on methadone since methadone is a full opiate antagonist. If you took suboxone you would feel nothing from the Lita's, due to subjoins being a partial opiate antagonist.

Whoever answered this question really needs to do some research both empirical and erudition! Methadone IS NOT A FULL OPIATE ANTAGONIST! If these answers made it to a page where people actually did not know that some of the people answering the questions have no knowledge about what they type. Yes you can take loratab with Methadone 10 mg. and yes they are both C.N.S. depressants so you do need to bee careful. However 10 mg. Methadone is a small dose so the chances of O.D. are fairly remote. Doctors just don't start pain patients out on methadone so I am sure there have been many medications tried before settling on methadone. It is one of the most cost effective as well as long half life. The only reason it has a bad reputation is that it is extremely hard to get off of when you become dependant on them. It is also used as a N.R.T. to help people make the transition off Heroin and many people continue to use so the public perceives it as a substance that does not work. However when used as prescribed, it can work miracle's. It did for me and could for so many others if the public was educated. I went from a 40 year old man who had done a half of dozen prison terms in the state and federal systems. I had no formal education and the state was about to give up on me when I got on methadone and within a couple of years I was the V.P. of Sales with a staff of 40 and making almost $200K a year. That is quite a treatment. Luck? Could be but I have done it several times.

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What are Loretabs?

Loratabs are a narcotic drug in pill form. They are a mixture of the opiate hydrocodone and acetaminophen; acetamenophen is the same thing as Tylenol. Loratabs are obviously used to control moderate to severe pain.

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Do loratabs show up on drug screening?

depending upon the test yes,and no.

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the hydrocodone works on the receptors in the brain

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Three days

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When was Somebody Put Something in My Drink created?

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