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Q: Can you put regular sugar on fried oreos?
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How much sugar twin to a regular cup?

I put 2 Sugar Twin into a regular cup.

What is the difference in ingredients between regular and diet Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

What is the difference between Diet Dr Pepper and Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

Do people put sugar and soy sauce on fried eggs?

some people do. i personally haven't tried it, but my older brother and parents have

What problem would you have if you tried to displace water to find the volume of a sugar cube?

The problem you would have is that the sugar cube would not be at its regular size so to solve that you would have to put the water in first and then put the sugar cube in it. After that is done then record the volume the sugar starrts to melt into the water.

Why does sugarless gum keep flavor longer than sugar gum?

because regular suga dissolves faster than the "fake sugar" that they put in the gum. so it lasts longer.

Why did regular Pepsi float and the diet float When I put the Pepsi and the diet Pepsi in the container they floated and I want to know the answer to that?

because of the sugar

Can you put regular gas in a 2000 maxima?

yes, but it sometimes helps improve the performance of the car if you add alittle sugar to the gas.

Are french fries from McDonald's Fried?

They are put in to a special oil that makes them yellow, which then is fried while inside the oil. so theyre fried

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Can you put sugar water in battery

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Put them in your mouth and chew

Do you refrigerate oil after you have fried in?

no but you can put it in an pot for next time