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Yes, and no. Yes if you don't mind having oodles of bubbles up to your knees. No, if you don't want to overflow the lil tub.

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Q: Can you put soap in your Conair foot bath?
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What do you do about foot pealing?

Put foot/feet in soap and water for like 15 minutes.

How to be fragrance free?

chemical bath and a no scent soap bath shaved bald or thoroughly washed air in shower cap and put into clean room for 5 days

What do you put in your bath to stop acne?

you could allways use proactive, i havent use it but i know people who have and it is a bath soap and really gets rid of acne!, unfortunitley you might have to order it:/

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One must first cleanse oneself with soap and water using the detachable shower heads located near the bath before entering the water. Once clean (including rinsing away all soap/shampoo), you may enter the bath. Typically, you should not let your hand towel touch the bath water. You may put it on your face, or thereabouts.

Can you put shaving cream in your anus?

No, not remotely. There is a risk of a cut if you are not careful, so take your time and shave with plenty of soap in a warm, warm bath.

Is lemon juice effective against perspiration?

I wouldn't think it would be much use to put lemon juice on you for perspiration, but you could find diff. kinds of anti-perspire stuff, bath more with a soap that is stronger or if you have sensitive skin you could use Ivory soap or if you're board you can put the Ivory soap into the microwave and it inflates!!!!!

How do you know that certain item like a bath soap is acidic or not?

You buy a bit of litmus paper, wet the item and put the litmus paper on the wet spot. if it turns blue, it is a base. If it turns red, it is acidic. Soap is a base.

How long do you have to wait after an Industrial piercing to have a bath?

Bathing isn't a problem. Just be careful when you're washing your hair so as not to hit it. If you put water on it, make sure that its clean (not what you're sitting in). Shower would be better than a bath. Bodywash/soap might sting but you should only use gentle soap on it anyways.

What do you need for a relaxing bath?

1st put some bubble bath shampoo in then put a bath bomb in there to make it dissolve

How do you wash a lizard?

Use a sponge, moistened in warm water. Don't use any detergents etc. Dry the shell afterwards with a towel.

How do you give your build a bear a bath?

Throw it in a tub with vinegar then get a sponge and fill it with soap then wash it. Then leave it out to air dry then put lotion on it for a lasting scent and feeling.then throw it in your dryer..... it works

How can I relieve stress easily?

There are many ways to relieve stress. One way is a hot bath with a bit of lavender soap. Another way is to put on soothing music and close your eyes and meditate.