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Q: Can you put sticks in a hermit crabs cage?
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Do you have to put new sand in your hermit crabs cage?

No, for the substrate you can have coconut fiber. I have half of that and sand.

Can you put grass in a hermit crab cage?

no, hermit crabs live at the beach so it is not part of their natural environment. I suggest putting sand or coconut fiber in the bottom of the cage.

Is it bad to put a new small hermit crab with a big hermit crab?

no we had over ten hermit crabs in one cage and they were all fine.:) since they are both different sizes you should keep an eye on them but you shouldn't worry because hermit crabs are very social animals.

What if you put salt water in the cage then will hermit crabs mate?

They will not move around to much and pertend to die for you to get their attention for a little bit

Why is Hermit Crab out of shell why wont he pick another one?

hermit crabs are very pickey about there new domane or house put more than one shell in the cage.:)

What do you put on the bottom of a hermit crab cage?

Sand or rocks are best.But, many crabs like coconut fiber. you can find it at most pet stores.

What happens to a hermit crab when they get to hot?

Hermit Crabs like Humidity. They need 70-80% humidity to survive. But, if it like 100 degrees and no humidity i recommend to put a fan or air conditioner on then, or in their cage.

Can you put camilion and hermit crabs together in 1 tank?

No hermit crabs need high humidity (70-85%)

What are hermit crabs favourite food?

Plain popcorn, i put a few pieces of plain popcorn in my 2 hermit crabs cage right before i went to bed at 10:30 at 6:00 am the next morning every single piece of pop was gone. and i only had 2 crabs!! ( do give your crabs anything with butter on it, it will kill them)

How do you feed applesauce to a hermit crab?

You get a shell, or a bowl that is close to the ground an put applesauce in it. if you leave him alone, he will eat it.

Can you put land hermit crabs and land snails together?


What toys and other stuff should you put in your hermit crabs cage?

Put lots of climbing things like vines and plastic plants in the terrarium hermit crabs love climbing. Put huts and caves for shelter and a bowl of freshwater and a bowl of saltwater so that they con drink and fill their shells as needed. You will need about three inches or more of sand so that they can dig.