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Of course you can, but it will result in the two fish fighting. The males are very territorial. No you can't. Betta fish are way to agressive. Especially males. === === yes you can but only if you have a tank divider

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6y ago

No. One will kill the other. Two of the same sex don't live well. Two of opposite sexes may not, either.

Different answer: This depends. You can only keep female bettas in the same tank IF you have four or more. Trust me on this - I've kept 4+ female bettas in the same tank peacefully.
Of course you can... but is it safe is another question.

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11y ago

Yes you can as long as you have a tank divider that separates the male from the females and the tank is big enough.

Make sure they have plenty of space to swim freely in the tank and do not add more than 1 male as they will fight to the bitter end but with females it doesn't normally happen.

They do make bubble nests for the young so make sure there is so sort of plant matting or a floating plant for they to make these nests on.

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15y ago

You may put two females together, or a male and a female. However you can not put two males together, they will fight to the death.

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15y ago

You'll need to put a sheet of glass between them. Otherwise the female will try to kill the male. They often do kill them.

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11y ago

NO. You cannot keep any combination other than a few females together. This situation will end in three dead bettas, probably four because the 'winner' will be badly hurt by the end.

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15y ago

No. The male will kill them.

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Q: Can you put two male bettas together if there are two females?
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Can you put two female bettas and one male betta together?

No you cannot, only if you are breeding them and the female has eggs. Otherwise the male will eventually kill the female. 2 females can live together.

Can male fighting fish be put with female fighting fish?

Generally the answer is no. The only reason the should be put in together is for breeding purposes and this should be carefully monitored as it can get out of hand. Male bettas will attack females.

Can you put two bettas in one bowl?

Not male bettas, not ever. Females can live together, but you'd have to make sure to give them both enough space. A "bowl" usually won't give them enough space. Even still, they can and will sometimes get into fights.

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Can you put two female bades with one male in one tank?

I am assuming you mean Bettas. A male Betta needs to be kept away from all other Bettas. They can not be kept together. The male would kill at least one of the females. Then he would either breed with the living female and then kill her if she is not removed or he will try to spawn her and if she is not ready he will kill her anyway. This is how the Bettas evolved. Although they will mix with most other species OK male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in their tank.

Is a betta fish a killer fish?

That's not it's species- but bettas will be aggressive towards other fish. Two males shouldn't be put together, neither should a male and female. Two females would be okay

Can two male bettas be toghether?

No the two male bettas will kill each other if they are put in the same tank.

Can you put 2 male bettas in a 111234 gallon tank?

If two male Betta (Siamese fighting fish) meet, no matter the volume of the tank, they will fight. Some breeders will put opaque sheet partitions in the tank to keep the male fish out of sight from each other. Females will happily keep together in the same tank.

If you cannot put a male and female betta together how do you get baby bettas?

you can put a male and female betta together but you must watch them closely, if they fight remove one of them right away! remember to remove them after they have mated

How long before you can put betta fish together?

Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

Can you put a male betta together with your 7 oranda goldfishes?

No you can't. goldfish are coldwater species while bettas are tropical fish.

Why do male Bettas like to be separated?

They can eat eachother. Male Bettas like to be seprated because 1.a male might be annoying another male 2.I tried it back then while I was a bigginer and one almost got killed 3.only put them together if you want them to be killed. Male Bettas are teritoral. They get mad when they see other male bettas and want to challenge theam to a fight. But, a good way to get your bettas confidence up is to put a mirrior next to the tank. That way, they see theam selves. get all pufedd up and attack. But no attack back. So, remove the mirrior after 30 min. or so.