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Absolutely! Congratulations, you old double dipper.

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Yes as long as you continue to work for and earn income that you provide your services for and are still breathing you will continue to be subject the social security and medicare taxes.

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Q: Do you receive social security if you receive a pension for retirement in the military?
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Do people who serve in the military receive Medicare and Social Security?

At this time not any more after they stay long enough to retire from the military and receive the retirement pension.

Is the nystrs retirement pension affected by wep?

Yes, the New York State Teachers' Retirement System (NYSTRS) pension can be affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) if you also receive a pension from a job where you did not pay Social Security taxes. WEP can reduce the amount of Social Security benefits you receive based on your non-covered pension.

What are some other sources of retirement income besides Social Security?

There are some other sources of retirement income other than SOcial Security. if you worked at a job with a pension plan, you will receive pension payments every month as well.

I am retired military 50 my wife 46 is going to retire from the Railroad in 2019 how is our social security impacted Can she receive RR retirement while I receive military retirement?

social security is not impacted by other retirements. they are separate. Your military retirement will not affect or change your wife's retirement from the railroad. you will each have your own retirement and at age 62 or older you each will also have your own social security. however, your wife many not have any input to social security benefits if she has not paid into social security during her work span. best to check with social security to see where she stands with social security

Can you give me a sentence with the word pension?

Most city employees receive a generous pension upon retirement.

How much is a widows pension who is above retirement age?

The amount of a widow's pension above retirement age varies depending on factors such as the deceased spouse's earnings history, the widow's age, and the specific pension plan. Generally, widows may be eligible to receive a percentage of their deceased spouse's Social Security benefits or pension benefits. It's best to contact the relevant authorities or pension plan administrator for specific information.

How long does Senator have to work for a retirement?

I believe a Senator or Representative is entitled to a government pension if he serves as little as a single day.Actually to earn a pension our Congressional Representatives must serve at least five years. They may receive a pension at age 50 if they have served 20 years or they may receive a pension at any age if they have served 25 years. It is a myth that our Representatives do not participate in Social Security. They actually get both. They pay 6.2% of their current $174,000 salary into Social Security and 1.3% into the FERS (Federal Employee Retirement System). How much they get from FERS is a mystery to me.

Can you receive a pension with social security bebefit?

Yup, you can collect any pension money coming to you without it affecting your social security.

Did Richard Nixon receive presidential retirement salary?

Yes, Richard Nixon did receive a presidential retirement salary. After resigning from office in 1974, he was eligible to receive an annual pension. However, he ultimately decided to waive his pension to avoid any public criticism and controversy.

When did British Officers first receive a pension on retirement?

it was in the year 1798 on June 2

What age can do you receive a state pension?

The age at which you can receive a state pension varies by country. In the United States, you can start receiving Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but full retirement age is typically between 66 and 67. In the UK, the state pension age is currently 66 for both men and women, but it is gradually increasing to 68.

How do you get your retirement pension?

To get your retirement pension, you typically need to have contributed to a retirement plan or pension scheme during your working years. When you reach the eligible age for retirement, you can apply to start receiving pension benefits, which are usually paid out regularly, such as monthly or annually. The amount you receive will depend on various factors, including your contributions, the length of time you contributed, and the specific terms of the pension plan.