

Can you refer to someone as an insolent?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No. Insolent must modify a noun, as an insolent child.

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Q: Can you refer to someone as an insolent?
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What is the definition of Insolent?

The word insolent describes someone who is rude and does not show much respect to others. Disrespectful and ill-mannered are the 2 most common words used to describe a person who is insolent.

Can you Make a sentence using word 'insolent'?

yes... you are insolent. :)

What word is an antonym for insolent?

One antonym for insolent is respectful.

What is the abstract noun for insolent?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'insolent' is insolence.

What is the meaning of the word 'insolent'?

Insolent is a word used to describe a person who is rude and disrespectful to others. Insolent people are often presumptuous and arrogant to those around around them.

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His insolence in class earned him several days in detention.

What does insolent mean in English?

insolent means boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting.

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Marie felt that the insolent tone in Tom's voice showed a lack of respect. Contemptuous is another word you could use for insolent.

Can you use insolent in a sentence?

The child acted insolent as he was punished, so the teacher had no sympathy for him.

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Are insolent and surly synonyms?

The words "insolent" and "surly" are not quite synonyms, though they both seem to refer to negative qualities. Both certainly imply a certain amount of unfriendliness. Insolence, however, is usually characterized by rudeness and disrespectfulness whereas surliness simply implies a general unpleasantness that is not necessarily motivated by lack of respect.

What is a good sentence with the word insolent?

"Some are made modest by great praise, others insolent" - Friedrich Nietzsche.