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Yes, you can register. Each state has felon voting laws that may restrict people convicted of and/or incarcerated for a felony from registering or voting. For more information, see Related Links.

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Q: Can you register to vote if you have a warrant for an old ticket?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be to register to vote in Florida?

18 years old.

Can a 17 year old register to vote if he has joined the military at 17?

You must be 18 to vote. However, a 17 year old can register to vote and would be able to vote in a primary that is for a federal election that he would be voting for later on. In UK military you can register at 17 but you still will not be able to vote until 18

How old do you have to be to register to vote in the u.s.a.?

Here in the Philippines, one should be at least 18 years old in order to register.

How old must a person be to register to vote in Florida's elections?

306 years old

How old must a person be to register to vote in Florida state elections?

18 years old.

How old do you have to be to register vote in Georgia?

You must be 18 years old by the next upcoming election when you register to vote. This is true everywhere in America. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be 18 years old (Any person who is 17 years old and will be eighteen years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and also vote in any intervening primary or special election) waterbaby

If a 16 yr old got a ticket for driving without a license and went to court for it but never paid the ticket what can happen to them in Illinois?

A warrant will be issued for their arrest.

How old must a person be to register to vote in Texas elections?

17 years and 10 months

What age can you register to vote in Michigan?

All across the country, you have to be 18 years old. If you are 18, go to or to register, it will walk you through the process in about five minutes (literally!) for any state.

Can Colorado prosecute you for a 10 year old traffic ticket?

In Colorado, it is possible for a city to put out a warrant if a person fails to pay a traffic ticket. The best option would be to go to the city courthouse and pay the ticket immediately.

How old must a person be to register to vote in California?

18 years old in any state. If you are 18, go to or to register, it will walk you through the process in about five minutes (literally!) for any state.

How old must you be to register to voter in the US?

You can register to vote when 17 in some places. The registration process is handled by the individual states and they can provide you with specific details. The actual voting age is 18, but there are instances where a 17 year old can vote in a primary, when they are going to be old enough to vote in the main election. I voted when I was 17 in the Presidential Primary, because I was going to be 18 when the actual election took place.