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Q: Can you remove eye makeup with a popped blood vessel?
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Causes of popped blood vessels in finger?

if you popped a blood vessel in your fingerr...your doing waayyyy to much textingg.

Dog has a popped eye and a popped blood vessel will he see again?

unfortunetly no because if eye has popped the he cant see and you cant replace a eye.

When you cracked your finger water appeared on your knuckle What just happened?

you might have popped a blood vessel

Are blood blisters bad?

blood blisters are not bad for you . blood blisters are just blood caught under skin or fingernails. normally started by a popped blood vessel.

How fast can you die from a popped blood vessel?

Bleeding all day. And you Wii have nothing to pump from the eye Bleeding

What causes one eye to turn bloody?

can you drival with tunnel vision?

Have swollen top finger joint?

The blood vessel most likely popped because I have the same problem right now but it was from football

Can you pop a blood vessel in your eye by sneezing?

Hello :) Yes, you can cough, sneeze, bend over, or rub it and they can pop. It will get better and no need to see a doctor its just looks worse than it is. There is no way of healing the popped blood vessel as far as im aware of.

What is the medical term meaning expansion of a blood vessel?

Dilation of a blood vessel is the term for physiologic widening of the vessel. Abnormal widening of the blood vessel through a weakening of the wall is known as aneurysm.Dilation of a blood vessel means widening of the vessel.

What to do when you pop a blood vessel in your foot?

Time will heal a popped blood vessel in the finger, but it may be quite achy during the recovery period.

What is Son of Beast roller coaster?

It is in Kings Island, which is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is wooden and it will be torn down because someone popped a blood vessel in their brain while on it and died.

What is the function of the ventral blood vessel of a worm?

Blood vessel on the bottom of a worm Blood vessel on the bottom of a worm