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Q: Can you replace shortening with Becel margarine?
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Is becel margarine gluten free?

Safeway has a brand of Becel margarine that is labeled gluten free....hope this helps

Can you substitute applesauce for margarine in cheesecake?

Margarine, like butter, is a shortening agent; applesauce won't replace margarine in recipes calling for shortening.

Is becel margarine safe to eat?

Matter of opinion: there are many that feel margarine is not safe at all because it's chemically altered by hydrogenation. Others feel it's a very safe food. Becel claims not to hydrogenate their margarine, so some feel that does make it healthier, but there is no clear answer on this because the debate continues.

What other word could replace the word butter or margarine?

Ghee, oil, oleo, shortening are the other words which could replace the word butter or margarine.

Why use margarine instead of shortening souffle?

Because margarine, like butter has a burn/smoke point. Shortening will not burn/smoke like margarine when the heat hits it.

Do you have to have shortening and buttermilk to make biscuits?

The shortening can be replaced with butter of margarine. One can replace buttermilk with regular milk or you may add a teaspoon of vinegar to the milk which will make it curdle.

How much margarine equals 1 half cup shortening?

A half cup shortening is a half cup margarine. They are practically the same except in taste.

What the difference between cooking margarine butter shortening?

Margarine is made with oils and artificial ingredients, butter is made from cream, shortening is made from oils and sometimes animal fats.

What is the difference between shortening margarine?

Shortening and margarine are actually pretty similar in that they are both made by hydrogenating vegetable oil to make it harden into a spread or block. But shortening is typically white and unflavoured while margarine is flavoured with salt and sometimes some milk products, and it's often coloured yellow.

Can you use three-fourths cup of shortening instead of butter when baking cookies?

Substitutes for shortening are butter and margarine in sticks. Use the same amount as called for in your recipe. Keep in mind, plain shortening will NOT be as flavorful as butter or margarine. Do not use soft margarine in a tub as it contains too much water.

Can you substitute margarine for shortening in a muesli slice recipe?

Margarine is shortening and can be used in place of butter or other shortenings in baking, though the flavour won't be the same. In many recipes some feel the best results in texture and flavour are obtained by using butter or half-and-half butter and lard.

Instead of shortening what can you use in dinner rolls?
