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you shouldnt have to use a friends urine

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Q: Can you rewarm urine for drug test How close to test should you get friends urine?
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Is it safe to drink another persons urine?

I personally couldn't imagine consuming my friends' urine. However, it should be suitable depending on the who the urine belongs to is healthy.

What is the normal glucose range in urine?

There should be no glucose in urine - it is too valuable to be lost from the body, so it is reabsorbed in the kidneys. Any traces of sugars in urine could be a sign of diabetes, and it would be wise to see your GP for further advice and tests.

Bladder opened during surgery and urine spills into the wound should surgery team have concerns?

Probably not. Urine is sterile unless there is an infection. The surgeon would likely suction the area, and pack it with gauze until it was time to close.

What should not be in urine?

Anything other then urine.

Why is your urine gray?

Urine shouldn't be grey; it should be clear to yellow, depending. If your urine is the wrong color, or has a strong odor, you should consult your doctor.

Is it dangerous to have white urine?

For a healthy person, urine should be clear and odorless. If you are experiencing cloudy or white urine, you should seek medical attention by your family physician.

Is it normal for urine to have plus plus bacteria?

No. Normal urine should be sterile.

What is normal albumin in the urine?

There should be no albumin in the urine if the kidneys are functioning properly.

Should i keep my cat's urine sample in the refrigerator?

You should try to get the sample as close to your appointment as possible but if that's not possible it can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours.Just be sure to immediately refrigerate as crystals can form after 1 hour!

Urine smell like medicine after taking diet pills?

I'm pretty sure your urine should smell like urine. Why are you smelling your urine?

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why should you add 8 drops of urine in the Benedicts test

What does a moderate level of hemoglobin in your urine mean?

There is a problem with the kidneys as there should be no blood in the urine.