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I am a surgical dental assistant who has been in the field for 6 years. I absolutely do not recommend that you rinse with mouthwash. The alcohol in the rinse will hinder the healing process, also it will burn. You can however rinse with a salt water rinse. 2 teaspoons of salt in warm water after each meal. The salt water has a soothing effect and does wonders at removing debris from the socket area. Do not stick anything into the sockets, you risk dislodging the blood clot which could cause a dry socket. This is a very painful reaction when the clot is dislodged. If you are concerned about a foul strong odor that taste "yucky", I would contact your dentist and schedule a post op appointment to check for infection. If you do get an infection, do not fear. Most are easily taken care of with a dose of antibiotics.

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Q: Can you rinse in mouthwash after having 19 teeth pulled 3 days ago?
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Is there anything you can do to strengthen the enamal on your teeth?

There are fluoride-enriched tablets you can take, and fluoride-enriched mouthwash yopu can rinse with.

What is the most important way to prevent dental disease?

brush your teeth! brush your teeth! and floss! dont forget to floss! and rinse with mouthwash! dont forget the mouthwash! and how about that toothpaste! make sure you brush after EVERY MEAL!

Is there mouthwash that is not intense?

ACT fluoride rinse is great for your teeth because it helps with sensitivity and preventing cavities. Not intense at all =)

What makes you whiter?

I have been using baking soda and pre-rinse whiting mouthwash as a paste prior to brushing my teeth. Just dont brush to hard :)

What happens if you brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth?

You will have good breath and a healthy tongue. You're supposed to brush your tongue and rinse your mouth with mouthwash when you brush your teeth.

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Is mouthwash less effective if you rinse your mouth out with water afterwards?

Not by a great deal. The active ingredients in mouthwash (antibacterial agents) are designed to work on oral bacteria during the exposure time which is displayed on the bottle of mouthwash. Typically you rinse for 30 seconds with mouthwash. After this time any oral bacteria that has been killed will be amongst the mouthwash inside your mouth, so to remove as much as possible it's advisable to rinse with water afterwards - the mouthwash has done its job by then. It also helps to prevent staining of your teeth, mouth and tongue by the mouthwash. I do not understand why there is no instruction to rinse with water after using mouthwash, however I would imagine this is personal preference - as there would be no detrimental health effects by 'not' rinsing it away.

Do you use mouthwash before or after you brush your teeth?

It is recommended that mouthwash be used after brushing your teeth.

Can having all your teeth pulled cause a runny nose all the time?

Even a few teeth being pulled can have an effect on your nasal cavity.

What is worse having a bone marrow transplant from your hip to your mouth or having all four wisdom teeth pulled out?

wisdom teeth

Why do you have a metal taste after having teeth pulled?

because of the iron in your blood.

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