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Q: Can you root roses after they have been in a vase of water and flowers die?
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Related questions

How flowers take up water?

Flowers are parts of a plant. The plant has roots which have root hairs which suck up water. The roots also help anchor the plant in the ground so it does not get blown away.

How long is the Root depth of cut-flower?

Most cutting flowers are annuals. They have shallow root systems, usually about 4-6 inches. Some common cutting flowers with this root depth are zinnias, button flowers, straw flowers, and statice.

How do flowers drink liquid?

Flower is just a part of a plant or tree. The water is being absorbed through the root. Flowers absorb water through their roots.

Which root type does rose flower have?

There are no rose trees. There are roses bushes. They have branched root systems.

How do you save bag roses until spring?

Bag roses usually = bare root roses. If you won't be planting them in a week or two, don't bother buying them. They won't make it.

What type of root rose has?

roses reproduce by rhizomes, these resemble large roots but do not function the same as a true root

How fast do flowers roots grow?

Depends on the type of flower and even at that different breeds of the same species can grow they're roots at different rates. Also taking into consideration additives that has been added to the plant soil or water that will allow for faster root growth. My best advice is to check on the specific flower your wanting to grow and find out that particular flowers/breeds root growth times.

What is the most beautiful part of a plant called?

The flowers and the leaves

What flowers name came from the root of barbarians?


Do Ferns grow flowers.?

Ferns do not sprout flowers, instead they propagate via their root system; spreading underground.

Is a potato a root or a vegetable?

potatoes are type of root vegetable so you're right!

Why do cut plants wither?

Because they have been cut of from their root system that provides them with water.