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You may very well get injured, if you step on something rigid or sharp. Avoid this by observing the terrain and making sure the surface is flat, safe and have no holes/cracks or other objects that may cause injury to your foot.

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It does not prevent foot injuries completely, but it does reduce injury, as your foot strikes the ground in a more natural way and your body is better able to take the shock.

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Q: Can you run barefoot on hard surfaces and not get injured?
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How safe is running barefoot?

Running definately entails proper attire and accessories. Running barefoot is not practicle nor safe as we run on different surfaces which can damage our feet.

Why is barefoot running bad for you?

If you have spent your whole life in shoes and suddenly go for a barefoot run, you will get hurt. It is possible to adapt your feet slowly and change the way you run to make it possible to run barefoot, but it is a lot of work and takes a lot of time. Most people do not have the patience and therefore, they should not run barefoot.

Is it a bad idea to run barefoot?

Running barefoot is not really a bad idea. The reason we wear shoes is to keep our feet from any sharp objects or things that can damage our feet. Just make sure there is nothing that can hurt your feet before your run barefoot.

Is barefoot running safe for all foot types?

It can be safe for all foot types, but only in moderation. I'm sure there are some people who are unable to run barefoot, but for the most part, all foot types should be able to run barefoot. If you are going to run barefoot, you have to work into it slowly, no matter what type of feet you have. You would have to limit your first few runs to probably under 20 minutes and slowly build up time or distance.

Did Allan Wells used to run barefoot?

No but he ran without blocks for a while.

Do you have to prepare your feet before attempting barefoot running?

Preparing your feet for the run is crucial to bare foot running not preparing can cause many injuries and possible infections. Calluses on the feet will help by making the skin of the foot rougher and less likely to get injured.

What are the advantages of barefoot running?

Barefoot running is quite possibly the best way for a person to run. Our bodies have taken hundreds of thousands, if not multiple millions of years to evolve a gait that enables us to run with ease. Until comparatively recently footwear wasn't an option, so as a result our musculature and bone structure is designed to run barefoot. Barefoot running can be considered to be much kinder to the knees and sole of the foot. It is quite possibly a way in which to run that will help to prevent injury. However, as with all things, it is wise to check with an expert if there is any intention of doing many miles of barefoot running for long periods of time.

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What is the best way to go bare foot running?

As with any new physical pursuit, it is best to start off slowly to avoid injury. Your feet will be weak at first as they are accustomed to being supported by your shoes. It may take weeks or months before you can run any long distances. Start by walking round your house barefoot, then begin walking outside to toughen your skin on surfaces you can tolerate. This phase should last at least 3-4 weeks. Your feet will let you know when they're ready to run but be cautious of the running surfaces and muscles strains particularly your calves and ankles. Videos on YouTube will demonstrate barefoot running techniques.

Is it good to run while you are barefoot for the health of your feet?

Running barefoot requires less energy and since it needs less force to land on the heels, there are fewer injuries. However, there is not enough research to prove that running barefoot can be good for health.

What is a good source for researching running barefoot injuries?

You should never run barefoot! Not even if it's in your own driveway or anything. It's unhealthy and very unsafe. You might run over a nail, rock or glass and could get your foot infected or seriously injure yourself. has many helpful tips to avoid injuries while barefoot running, if you're that adamant in doing it.

How can I find out if the Nike Free Run 2 is good for a barefoot feel?

Nike Free Run 2 is a more than suitable shoe for a barefoot feel. Nike Free Run basically started the epidemic of toed shoes. It's of very high quality and very good.