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I wouldn't recommend it if you want it to heal.

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Q: Can you run with a bruised knee bone?
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What is bruised bone marrow of the knee?

This is called bone marrow edema. It can cause bleeding in the bone marrow, leading to severe pain. The injury is caused by an impact to the knee area.

Can you run with a bruised knee?

I wouldn't recommend it if you want it to heal.

Where is the maxilla bone in the knee?

The maxilla is a facial bone, not a knee bone.

What bone is the knee bone connected to?

There is a knee cap, formally known as the patella, which is not a bone, and is not connected to any bones, it just floats over them as a form of protection. There is no knee bone. The knee is a joint, not a bone.

Is the petalla your breast bone or knee bone?

The Patella is part of your knee.

Which seven system are use during a skin knee?

When one skins the knee the knee bone is involved. Five or fifth bone UP from the toe bone is the knee bone. 1: toe bone, 2: foot bone, 3: ankle bone, 4: shin bone, and 5: knee bone. The answer is five of the Upward seven bones ending with hip bone. The Down seven bones are opposite and start with 1: head bone, etc.

Can a bruised foot bone cause burning pain?

Yes, it does.

For a bruised bone do you need to get surgery?

A "bruised bone" typically refers to bleeding that occurs under the tough fibrous covering of the bone called the periosteum. It heals very quickly, and anti-inflammatory medications, ice and rest can help.

Is a knee a joint bone or tendon?

The knee itself is made of ligaments cartilage and bone, and the kneecap is made of bone.

Where is the femoral location?

The femur is the thigh-bone. The femoral nerve, artery and vein run between the groin and the knee.

There is seven bone in the knee?

the answer is 1 bone

Where is the tibular bone in the leg?

The Tibular Bone Is A Bone in your Knee!