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Not until you've run LOTS of water down the drain.

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Q: Can you safely pour sodium hydrochlorite into a drain where you have already poured bleach?
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Can bleach be safely ingested?

no! Bleach has millions of diseases that can be fatal.

Can you bleach white crocs?

The company says your can use a 10% aka 1:9 ratio of bleach to water safely.

How does one bleach their roots when their hair is less than 3cm long?

It is practically impossible. You have to have roots to bleach your hair and root on hair of at least a inch or more to safely bleach them. You don't want bleach directly on your scalp.

How do you get rid of jelly mold?

Bleach will safely remove any type of mold or mildew stains.

How do you get rid of bleach stains in your carpet?

Bleach is not a stain. Bleach eliminated or bleached-out the coloring. Contact a reputable professional carpet cleaner or the carpet manufacturer and ask what dyes can be safely used to disguise the bleached-out spots.

Can EDTA the photo clearing agent for Platinum Printing be poured down the drain safely?

No chemistry should be poured down the drain. It should be disposed of at the appropriate refuse site. Check you local council where.

Is bleach safe in the microwave to clean?

Provided it is diluted properly, bleach can be used safely to sanitize a microwave. Add one cup of household bleach to a gallon of warm water and wipe down all surfaces. DO NOT mix bleach with any other cleaning chemicals!

What happens when you mix bleach and shower cleaner?

Careful mixing cleaning product with bleach or ammonia. It can cause deadly fumes, ALWAYS keep a window open for fresh air.

What cleaning products can safely be mixed with bleach?

As a housekeeper, I have found you should never mix any type of chemical with bleach. Some people say you can mix dish detergent but it can also cause hazardous gases.

What specific household items - like water or apple juice - can safely and effectively remove graffiti?

Bleach or Alcohol (Vodka probably)

Where do you put transmission fluid in a Honda Accord?

Transmission fluid can be poured through the engine compartment on a Honda Accord. There is a dipstick and reservoir where the fluid can safely be placed.

How can I whiten or bleach out a colored cotton shirt without harming the fabric?

To safely remove color from cotton without harming the fabric, you can use chlorine bleach but should use a product such as hydrogen peroxide afterward to stop the bleach from rotting the fabric. If you do not wish to use bleach, Rit dye makes a product called Rit Color Remover.