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It looks like all the major stars of Gemini lie between declination 12-53 (one of Pollux's feet)
and declination 31-51 (Castor's head).

So as far as the Southern Hemisphere is concerned:

-- you can't see any of this range at all if you're more south than 77° 07' south latitude ... a line which is entirely
on the Antarctic continent. If you're not on Antarctica, you can see at least SOME of the constellation.

-- in order to see ALL of it, you have to be north of 58° 09' south latitude ... a line in that big band
of nothing but water, around the globe between Antarctica and the tip of South America.
If you're there or anywhere more north, then you can see all of Gemini.

But don't forget . . . the boys stand upside down in the southern Hemisphere.

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No, all those born from May 21st to June 21st go invisible till the spring.

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Q: Can you see Gemini in the Southern Hemisphere?
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