

Can you see a full moon in the day?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes you can i have seen it during the day. However, it is not as bright as it is at night.

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What time of the year do people see a full Moon?

You can see a full moon any time of the year. (But not every day of course)

What is new moon day and full moon day?

Full moon is when we see the bright side of the Moon - the side illumined by the Sun. New moon is when we see the Moon's dark side.We always see the same side, it may or may not be illuminated, depending on the position in its orbit relative to the earth and sun

If you can see a full moon at your position on earth what type of moon will you see if you go exactly the opposite side of the world on the same day?

Full moon. Earth spins much faster than the moon moves so we all see a full moon as Earth turns us to see it.

When you see a full moon during the day what phase of the moon are really in?

To be technical about it, you can't see a completely full moon during the day. When the moon is completely 100% full, it has to be exactly opposite the sun in the sky. So if the sun is 'up', then the full moon must be 'down'.You can see the "almost full" moon during the day. When it still has a little way to go before it's full, it will rise shortly before the sun sets. And when the moon is slightly past full, it'll still be in the western sky when the sun rises in the morning.In Arctic or Antarctic latitudes, it is possible to see the Full moon while the Sun is visible "looking over the pole.

Can you see a full moon in the middle of the day or a new moon in the middle of the night?

Neither one.

Is a full moon visible from earth in the day or at night?

both you can see it day or night

Is a full moon everyday of the year?

You can not see the whole moon every day or (night). The moon does not shrink, or disappear. It is just the place and angle you are at, because you can not see it.

Can you have a full moon in both hemispheres on the same day?

Yes, when the moon is full, it is full everywhere that day. Only one side of the earth is turned toward the moon at any given time, meaning that only one side can see the moon until the earth turns.

Why can we see moon on a full moon day while it is not visible on a new moon day?

Moonlight is reflected sunlight. When the moon and sun are on opposite sides of the earth the face of the moon we can see is illuminated and it is a full moon. When the sun and moon are on the same side of the earth then the side of the moon away from us is illuminated.

Why can't you see a full moon during the day?

During the day, the sun is at its brightest and the moon is directly opposite the sun. Therefore, you will never see a full moon during the day because the moon is always changing position in relation to the sun.

Why don't we see a full moon every night?

because the position of the moon between the earth and the sun only allows us to see part of it. hence the 28 day cycle in which we can see a full moon once every 28 days.

What phases of the moon can you never see during the day?

The new moon. But some recorces, like science books would say the full moon. Which doesn't make any sense because you can see a full moon during the day. But you can't see the new moom bcause there is no light from the sun reflecting off the mons surface.