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yes in ng (national geographic, online).

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Q: Can you see a pie chart of abandoned animals in the US?
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Where do you find a pie chart of Canada's religion?

You can find a pie chart of Canada's religion by searching online for demographic data sources that specialize in religious statistics. Organizations like Statistics Canada or the Pew Research Center often provide detailed demographic breakdowns, including religious affiliations represented in pie charts.

A pie chart of Brazil's religion?

As of the latest data, Brazil's population is predominantly Christian, with about 64% identifying as Catholic and 22% as Protestant. Other religions, including Spiritism and Afro-Brazilian religions, represent smaller percentages. Approximately 8% of the population identifies as unaffiliated with any religion.

What is the difference between a pie chart and column chart?

A pie chart is round with "slices" to identify data items. A column chart is a series of columns to identify data items. A pie chart allows you to see how all the parts fit into the whole. A column chart allows you to compare all the parts with each other.

Differences between a pie chart and a bar chart?

The most obvious thing is that they look different. A pie chart is circular whereas a bar chart consists of bars of different lengths. A pie chart can only be used for one series of data, to see how each part contributes to the whole thing, by seeing the various pie slices and their sizes as part of the whole pie. Bar charts can consist of more than one series and compare different things to each other and can show trends.

How can you display the information of a line graph on a circle graph?

That is a pie chart. For that, see the related link.

Where can you find a pie chart showing Minnesota's economy?

See related links to download historical pie charts showing Minnesota's general fund expenditures.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of a bar chart over a pie chart?

The advantage is: You can see the data clearer and is easier to draw. It helps if you use numbers that have NOT got percentages in. The disadvantage is: If you have no choice but to use a bar chart with percentages, you'll have a difficult time trying to do it. A Pie Chart is better to use. I hope it helps. I'm only 12 years old.

Why is a pie chart the best for percentage?

Because you can see how each data item compares to the whole data set. A larger percent would show a larger slice of pie. It will be immediately clear that 50% is half of the pie.

What does a multiple data series chart do?

It is simply a chart that shows more than one series, often to compare them or to see is there a connection. Some charts, like a pie chart, can only have one series, but others, like a line chart, can have multiple series.

What is the definition of pie chart?

As per the dictionary, a circular chart cut by radii into segments illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies -called also circle graph. See the related link for verification.

What is the definition of interpreting of pie charts?

Sometimes, information is presented in the form of a pie chart because that is an easy way to visualize fractions. Most of us have, at some point in our lives, had to share a pie with some other person or people. We therefore have a concrete understanding of what it means to divide a pie into three sections. So metaphorically, we can visualize anything as a pie. We might use a pie chart to show how your tax dollars are spent. This slice is for national defense, this slice is for medicare, this slice is for interest payments on the national debt, and so forth. When we talk about interpreting pie charts, we simply mean looking at a pie chart and understanding what it means. We see that the US is spending quite a lot of its available money on interest payments. We see how big the slice is, of that particular pie. Perhaps this will tell us something about why it is not a good idea to be massively in debt.

Where can you see a diagram or a pie chart of the water cycle?

go to then type in where to find water cycles then look at the suggusting and you shall find the picture or answer