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Q: Can you see a satellite view of your house in Lucknow?
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Can any one tell me a good map browser i want to see my house from a satellite view is Google a good map browser?

I use Google Earth. I type in the address, such as 100 Main St, Brooklyn, NY and Google Earth shows me a satellite view of my street, including the houses. I can see my house (mostly just the roof), my yard, etc.

How can you see your house with the help of web?

You can download google earth and u can see u're house from satellite.

What does the televison do?

A TV lets you see an image that is sent from a geostationary satellite in the stratosphere to a antenna or satellite on your house or the TV.

Where can you find satellite pictures of your house?

Google Maps and Google Earth are a good place to start.Enter your address into Search panel then press Enter and let it fly-to that address. To see street-view imagery activate Street View mode.

What do satellite images show?

A satellite map shows if its gonna rain or something like that

Why can you see your house with the help of salelite?

Satellites magnify images. With a strong satellite you can see images across the world. Google uses a satellite for Google Earth.

What is the website called to see your house live from satellite?

Google earth <3

What is the definition for satellite maps?

A map used by scientists from a satellite view that shows land features

Why is earth knownas blue planet?

Because if you look at it from a satellite view, you can see a lot of blue-the sea.

How can one view the Earth from a satellite?

One can view Earth from satellite images on Flash Earth, Symi Visitor, Google Earth, and Twisted Sifter. There is even an application called Satellite Live, which allows users to see real-time video of what is going on anytime, anywhere around Earth.

What is the definition of Aerial Photograph?

A birds-eye-view of a place or a picture of a place taken from above. For an example, see Google / Bing Maps' Satellite view.

Where can one obtain a satellite view map of the world?

If you have Google Chrome there is a plug in (and yes it is safe) that you can download where you can see a satellite view. It is called Google Earth. When you are trying to locate directions on Google Maps, there should be an option to download the plug in.