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Q: Can you see pictures of Dimachaeri gladiators chained together?
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Related questions

Why were slaves chained together?

Slaves were chained together so that if one tried to escape, it wouldn't be as easy. He would need the whole group of chained slaves to escape with him. But it would be very slow.

Why were slaves chained together for most of the voyage?

They were chained to prevent them from escaping, or worse, revolting and taking over the ship.

What is a gladiators mode of travel?

Gladiators, like most other people in the ancient world would walk. If they were slaves, they could possibly be chained together, depending on their length of time in service or their temperament. Sometimes the owner of the school would have them travel by wagon, especially if they were going long distances to their bout. A pampered "star" gladiator would most likely be in a cart or wagon.

What is a coffle?

A coffle is a group of slaves chained together.

Why are L and rem kept to together by a chain in Death Note?

Rem and L arent chained together, Light and L are. Those two are chained together because L suspects Light is Kira, and He wants to keep a watch on him.

How did people get the slaves to board the ships?

They were chained together, and beaten or whipped if they did not do as they were directed.

The verbs catenate and concatenate come from the Latin catenatus and concatenatus but seem to mean the same in English Do they perhaps differ in meaning in Latin?

catenatus means chained or fetteredThe Latin prefix con- derives from cum, meaning "with" or "together with", so the term concatenatus implies that something is chained or fettered to something else - "chained together".

Why are Light and L chained together in episode 20?

L thinks he is kira .... duuuhhh

What is the meaning of the word coffle and what is it?

group of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained together in a line.

What is the maximum number of Cisco ip phones that can be daisy chained together?

The maximum number of Cisco IP phones that can be daisy chained together directly through a switch port is two. These two phones will provide an additional 48 lines.

What are numerous amino acids bonded together called?

This would be called a protein if there are many amino acids chained together.

Why were books chained up?

Books were not chained.