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well no as it bounces

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Arjun Bednar

Lvl 13
2y ago
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10y ago

The only objects that you can see without reflecting light, are from light sources themselves: the incandescent wire of a light-bulb; or the sun for example.

Any chemical reaction that generates light will be observable - but bear in mind that the only unreflected light you'll see is the light coming straight out from the source into your eye.

Basically, pretty much everything you see is reflected light.

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13y ago

Everything reflects light that's why you can see things.

answ2. Indeed rather a clever use of this property of reflection, is made use of when comparing pieces of glass, as for example at a crime scene.

Roughly, the piece of glass is immersed in a series of liquids which have a graded range of refractive indexes, and when the glass is the same refractive index as the fluid - it seems to disappear!

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7y ago

In a COMPLETE absence of light, no. To see the reflective material, light waves need to bounce off the object and travel back towards your eyes so you can see it. There aren't any waves to bounce off it, because there are no light waves present. If there are no light waves present, then therefore you can't see the reflective material. Keep in mind, though, that this would need to be in a complete absence of light, and this kind of a hassle to test. Unless you're in some dark room in a house at night without any light present nearby (just an example, I'm sure you could find many examples), you can see some reflection. If you're outside at night, you can see it depending on the stage of the moon (size; bigger size=more light in most cases, exception being lunar eclipses and cloud cover) and also based on light levels present nearby.

You can't see anything without light. If the object or material doesn't

generate its own light, then you can't see it until some source of light

shines on it. Reflective material reflects light. If no

source of light shines on it, it has nothing to reflect.

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9y ago

Reflective materials don't reflect without light.

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15y ago

Color is light.

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The Moon

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Q: Can you see reflective material without light?
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The tapetum lucidum (reflective material) reflects light back into the retina. This allows the animal to see at night. (Although this allows for better night vision than that of humans, it distorts the clarity because the light is reflected so much.) The tapetum lucidum is also responsible for the "glowing" eyes of animals, such as cats, when a small amount of light reflects off the tapetum lucidum in an otherwise dark room.

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The Stage of a microscope has that little opening so that light can pass through the slide so you can see what's there. without it, you wouldn't be able to see the specimen on the slide.

How do you improve vision naturally without glasses?

If your problem is with driving at night due to oncoming traffic head lights, you can have your optometrist make some glasses for you with a non-reflective coating, which will reduce the glare. Or, if you already wear glasses, you can have your glasses made with the reflective coating. You also need to take omega 3 fish oil capsules daily, which is excellent for eye health, as well as many other benefits from it, as well.

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The bone marrow. As you look inside of a bone you will see a core of softer material. That material is bone marrow.

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When you see a color, it's because that material is absorbing the rest of the spectrum. Thus, in plants, pigments absorb light. These plants then convert the light energy to usable energy, like ATP or glucose.

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Can you see the reflective material without light and why?

No, reflective materials require light in order to reflect. Without light, the reflective material will not be able to bounce light off its surface and appear reflective.

Can you see reflective materials without light why?

no when a light hits an object the light will bounce back

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You can not see through Guppies. You may well be able to see into some of them and see some of their internal organs. The reason for this is the lack of reflective material in some of their scales which allows some light to penetrate thus allowing some vision.

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You can see through a window because it is made of transparent material that allows light to pass through. A mirror, on the other hand, has a reflective surface that bounces light back into your eyes, creating a reflection of yourself or your surroundings.

How does reflective light allow us to see an object?

Reflective light allows us to see an object by bouncing off the object and entering our eyes. Our eyes then detect the light and send signals to our brain, which processes the information and enables us to perceive the object. This process is essential for vision and allows us to see the world around us.

What allows light to pass through but you cannot see light on the opposite side?

A two-way mirror, also known as a one-way mirror, appears reflective on one side and transparent on the other. It is partially coated with a reflective material that allows a person to see through it when one side is brightly lit and the other side is in a dimly lit environment.

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Tape that has a reflective surface on it to catch light. Often used by bycicle riders at night so that drivers can see them when the headlights reflect off the tape.

Is light reflected from all surfaces?

No, not all surfaces reflect light. Surfaces that are smooth and shiny, like mirrors, tend to reflect light well. However, rough or absorbent surfaces may absorb or scatter light instead of reflecting it.

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The light shine on any object is either reflected or absorbed into the object. Modern mirror use highly reflective material coated behind the flat glass surface thus the light would bounce off at exact opposite angle and we could see the reflection.

Can you see reflective materials with out light why?

No, reflective materials require light to be seen. When light shines on a reflective surface, it bounces off and reflects back to our eyes, allowing us to see the material. Without light, there would be no reflection and the material would not be visible.

How does modern mirrors reflect light?

The light shine on any object is either reflected or absorbed into the object. Modern mirror use highly reflective material coated behind the flat glass surface thus the light would bounce off at exact opposite angle and we could see the reflection.