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you can do both.

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Q: Can you separate the air constituents by chemical means or physical means?
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How are compounds separated?

Using chemical means. to separate a mixture, you use physical means

What change makes a substance which cant be separate by physical means?

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Is it true that a homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which it is difficult to distinguish the substances from one another?

It is true because the solution is clean and transparent. It is not possible to separate the constituents by physical means.

How do you separate mixtures and compounds?

You can break down a mixture by physical means

Is mixing flour and yeast a physical or chemical change?

This is a chemical change because it has all the characteristics of one. The color changes, the texture changes, new stuff is created, and you can't separate by physical means. It is chemical.

What is the difference between synthetics and composites?

Composites means which is made of composition of two constituents where as synthetics is the combination of two or more parts, composites having constituents of different physical and chemical properties, where as in case of synthetics it can have same chemical or physical properties,in case of composites the ratio of material is maintained but it can not be in case of synthetics...e.g of synthetics is plastic, or composites is concrete

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The elements of a chemical compound can be separated only by chemical means, but not by physical means.

Chemical changes can be reserved by physical change?

No, chemical changes can only be reversed by chemical means, not by physical means.

What other than physical means can matter be separated?

Only physical means; chemical means alters the chemical composition.

Can chemical changes reverse by physical means?

No, physical

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Ice melting is a physical or chemical?

physical because a chemical change means it can never form back