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NEVER FIRE AMMUNITION IN A WEAPON THAT IS NOT CHAMBERED FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danger, Danger, Danger

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Q: Can you shoot a 223 bullet in a 222 gun?
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For what gun is a 223 rem bullet?

Any firearm chambered for .223 or 5.56mm

Can you shoot a bullet with out a gun?


What do you shoot out of a gun?

a bullet

Can you use a 223 cal in a 222 gun?

DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do this and you will cause damage and injury.

Can you shoot a 9mm bullet from a 380 caliber gun?

No, the bullet will not seat.

What is difference between a 223 caliber bullet and a 45 bullet?

Caliber refers to the diameter of a bullet (bullet is the part of a cartridge that is fired out of the gun). A .223 caliber bullet is .223 inches across. It is normally used as a rifle cartridge. a .45 caliber bullet is more than twice as wide as a .223, and is usually used in pistols. The .223 is lighter- it weighs about 1/4 of a .45 bullet, and they are different shapes- .223 is usually pointed, the .45 is rounded.

Can you shoot 25 bullet in a 22 gun?


What is a 9mm gun?

Any gun that shoot a 9 millimeter bullet.

Can you shoot a gun while underwater?

yes. the gun will shoot but the bullet will not go to far due to the friction.

How quick can a machine gun shoot 100 bullet drum?

a machine gun can shoot 100 bullet drum in about 5-15 seconds it can shoot a target down in 3-5 seconds and it shoot at 120 mph

Can you shoot a 32 bullet out of a 38 revolver?

No, you can not shoot a 32 bullet out of a 38 gun. You should always make sure that you have the proper ammunition before you shoot your gun so that you are safe while shooting.

How do you shoot a gun with a bullet?

Affix the gun to a target. Load the bullet into a cartridge. Load the cartridge into a second gun. Aim carefully, squeeze the trigger. If you have done everything right, you will have shot the gun with a bullet.