

Can you shoot airsoft pellets out of a paintball gun?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No. Paintballs are much MUCH larger than airsoft pellets (.50-inch and higher), the guns' feed mechanisms are completely different.

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Q: Can you shoot airsoft pellets out of a paintball gun?
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Does every airsoft gun use six mm bullets?

A few guns shoot 8mm pellets, but the vast majority shoot the standard 6mm pellets.

What is the purpose of a paintball gun?

The purpose of a paintball gun is to fire paintball pellets, to mark opponents in the game of paintball.

Will you screw up your airsoft gun if you shoot it without pellets?

that is called dryfiring and yes it will mess it up if you continually do it.

Can BB guns fire airsoft pellets?

A regular BB gun can not shoot air-soft pellets. BB guns shoot a .175 BB. Air guns shoot a much larger 6MM BB.

Is an airsoft gun or a paintball gun better for fighting with?

Paintball gun. You can see where you hit your target. I disagree, if you are looking for a more realistic looking weopon then use an airsoft gun

What is an airsoft gun reservoir?

That is where the pellets are stored in the gun.

How loud is a ram paintball gun?

The same as every other paintball gun, louder then an airsoft gun, softer then a pellet gun.

What company owns the right to airsoft?

No company owns the rights to airsoft. Airsoft is just a general term for an air rifle that shoots plastic pellets. BB rifles also shoot plastic pellets, but a true airsoft gun uses a more complicated firing system then that of BB guns.

What can an airsoft gun shoot?

6mm airsoft pellets althought if it fits down the barrel it usual goes 1 or 2 ft like say a mini umbrella ;P

Can you shoot a persen with a airsoft gun?

Yes you can shoot someone with an airsoft gun. Airsoft is a sport just like paintball where there is a lot of running, ducking, and shooting at other opponents. Like paintball, you HAVE to wear the proper protective gear like goggles, facemask, gloves, etc.. Keep in mind velocity as well. most AEGs shoot 350 fps out of the box, anything above 450 fps, can break skin. So 400 hundred and under would be airsoft war approved.

Are there airsoft gun bbs that bust paint when you shoot someone cause when i play people cheat and say that they werent shot?

Play paintball.

How do you shoot a paintball gun in Roblox?

To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.